Mastering the Cloud: Module 10-Automatic Scaling and Monitoring

Harshith Avineni
3 min readApr 19, 2024


-> Elastic Load balancing is an Aws service stat that distributes the Incoming application or network traffic across multiple targets such as Ec2 Instances, containers, IP addresses, and Lambda functions In a single or multiple availability,

-> It is of three types mainly:

A) Application Load Balancer

-> Load balancing of http & https traffic.

-> route traffic based on the content of the request.”

-> Operates at the application layer of OSI

B) Network Load Balancer

-> Load balancing of TCP, UDP, and TLS traffic.

-> Route traffic, based on IP protocol data.

-> Optimized to handle volatile traffic patterns with low latencies and operates at the transport layer of OSI.

C) Classic Load Balancer

-> Load balancing of http, https Tcp, and SSL traffic.

-> Load balancing across multiple EC2 Instances.

-> operates at both the application & transport layer of OSI.

-> Load balancer also performs health checks to monitor the registered targets in target groups to route traffic and with application and network L.B., you register targets in target groups and route traffic to those target groups But with classic L.B, you register instances with load balancer

Use Cases

1. Highly available & Fault-tolerant

2. Containerized application

3. Elasticity & Scalability.

4. Virtual private cloud.

5. Hybrid environments.

6. Invoke Lambda functions over HTTP / HTTPS.

Load balancer monitoring is done by using:

A) Amazon Cloud Watch Metrics:

-> It is used to verify that the system is performing as expected and create an alarm to denote an action if a metric deviates from the normal range.

B) Access Logs:

-> captured detailed information about requests Sent to the load balancer

C) Aws Cloud Trial Logs:

-> Capture the who, what, when, and where of API interactions in Aws Services

-> Amazon Cloud Watch is a monitoring and observability service that is built for DevOps engineers, developers & IT managers, etc.

-> You can use cloud watch to monitor:

1. Aws resources

2. Applications that run on Aus

-> You can use cloud watch to collect & track:

1. Standard metrics
2. custom metrics.


-> Send a notification to the Amazon SNS topic.

-> perform amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

Main Events

-> Define rules to match changes in the Aws environment & route these events to one or more target functions or streams for processing

Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling

-> It helps you maintain application availability.

-> It enables you to add or remove EC2 instances based on demand.

-> Detects impaired EC2 Instances & unhealthy’s and replaces them without your Intervention.

Several Scaling Options like:

1. Manual

2. on-demand

3. scheduled

4. Dynamic

5. predictive.

-> In an auto Scaling group we should specify the:

1. min and max instances possible in the group

2. Desired Capacity

3. Launch or terminate instances as needed.

During Launch configuration (first process Step) we specify:

a) AMI

b) Instance type

c) IAM role

d) Security groups.

e) EBS volumes

During the second step (i.e. auto Scaling group)

a) VPC and subnets

b) Load balancer.

During the third step then,

-> Manual scaling (min, max, desired capacity)

-> Scheduled Scaling scheduled actions).

-> Dynamic scaling (Scaling policies),

-> predictive Scaling ( Aws Auto Scaling)

AWS Auto Scaling

-> monitors your applications and automatically adjusts capacity to maintain Steady, predictable performance at the lowest possible Cost

-> provides a simple, powerful user interface that enables you to build Scaling plans for resources, including:

1. Amazon EC2 instances & spot fleets

2. Amazon ECS

3. Amazon dynamo DB and Aurora.

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Congratulations! You’ve reached the final module of this series! You’ve successfully explored the core concepts of AWS and gained valuable knowledge to excel in your cloud computing journey. By leveraging automatic scaling and monitoring, you can optimize your cloud resources and ensure the smooth operation of your cloud applications.

Episode 9:

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This concludes our series on Mastering the Cloud: Your Comprehensive Guide to AWS Certification Exam!

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Harshith Avineni
Harshith Avineni

Written by Harshith Avineni

Active Writer | Certified AWS Solution Architect | Write blogs on Tech, Science, Health, Product Reviews and more | Love to collab for more interesting ideas👋

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