Mastering the Cloud: Module 9-Cloud Architecture

Harshith Avineni
4 min readApr 19, 2024


-> The Aws cloud architect framework is designed to help us build a “Secure, high performing, resilient & efficient with a consistent approach to evaluate & Implement cloud architectures and workloads.

-> The well- Architecture framework is based on five phases:

1. operational and excellence

2. Security

3. Reliability

4. Performance efficiency

5. cost optimization

1. Operational Excellence Pillar

It mainly focuses on running and monitoring systems to deliver business value and continuously improve supporting Processes and procedures

-> Managing and automating changes

-> Responding to events

-> Defining Standards to successfully manage daily operations

Operational excellence has ‘six’ design principles

1. perform operations as code

2. Annotate documentation

3. Make frequent, small, and reversible changes

4. Refine Operations procedures frequently

5. Anticipate failure

6. Learn from all operational events and failures.

Questions on Operational Excellence Pillar

1. Prepare

2. Operate

3. Evolve

2. Security Pillar

It mainly focuses on protecting information, Systems, and assets while delivering business value through risk assessments and mitigation strategies.

-> Identifying and managing who can do that.

-> Establishing controls to detect security

-> Protecting systems and Services

-> Protecting confidentiality and integrity of data

The security pillar has ‘seven’ design principles

1. Implement a strong identity foundation

2. Enable traceability

3. Apply Security at all layers

4. Automate security best practices

5. protect data in transit and at rest

6. Keep people away from data

7. prepare for security events.

Questions on Security Pillar

1. Idently and access management

2. Detective controls

3. Infrastructure Protection

4. Data protection

5. Incident response.

3. Reliability Pillar

It mainly focuses on preventing and Quickly recovering from failures to meet business and customer demand.

-> Setting up

-> Cross-project requirements

-> Recovery planning

-> Handling change.

The reliability pillar has ‘five’ design principles

1. Test recovery procedures

2. Automatically recover from failure

3. Scale horizontally to increase aggregate system availability

4. Stop guessing capacity,

5. manage change in automation

Questions on Reliability Pillar

1. Foundations

2. change management

3. Failure management.

4. Performance Efficiency Pillar

It mainly focuses on using IT and computing resources efficiently to meet system requirements and demands to maintain that efficiency as demand changes and technologies evolve.

-> Selecting the right resource types and Sizes based on workload requirements.”

-> monitoring performance

-> making informed decisions to maintain efficiency as business needs evolve.

Performance efficiency has ‘five’ design principles

1. Democratize advanced technologies

2. Go global in minutes.

3. Use Serverless architectures.

4. Experiment more often

5. Have mechanical sympathy

Questions on Performance efficiency pillar

1. Selection

2. Review

3. monitoring

4. trade offs.

5. Cost Optimization Pillar

It mainly focuses on running systems to deliver business Value at the lowest price point

-> Understanding and controlling when money is being Spent

-> Selecting the most appropriate and right number of resource types

-> Analyzing spending over time

-> Scaling to meeting business needs without overspending

cost optimization has ‘five’ design principles

1. Adopt a consumption model

2. measure overall efficiency

3. Stop spending money on data center operations.

4. Analyze and attribute expenditure

5. use managed and application-level services to reduce the cost of ownership.

Questions on cost optimization

1. Expenditure Awareness

2. cost-effective resources

3. matching supply and demand

4. optimizing over time

-> Reliability is the measure of our system’s ability to provide functionality when desired by the user.

A better measurement technique is Mean time between:

Failures (MTBF) = Total time in services / No of Failures


-> Availability is the percentage of operation time where the System is working normally or correctly, it is said to be the percentage of uptime over time.

-> High availability System can withstand some measure of degradation while remaining available, with this downtime minimized with minimal human intervention.

Factors that Influence Availability are

1. Fault-tolerance

2. Recoverability

3. Scalability

Aws Trusted Advisor

-> It is an online tool that provides real-time guidance to help you provision your resources following Aws best Practices and it also includes inspection security checks such as Amazon S3 bucket with open access permissions

-> By looking at our aws environment it provides recommendations in five categories:

1. cost optimization

2. Performance

3. Security

4. Fault tolerance

5. Service limits

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Congratulations! You’ve gained valuable insights into designing secure, scalable, and cost-effective cloud architectures on AWS. This knowledge empowers you to build resilient and high-performing cloud solutions.

Leave a comment below with any questions or cloud computing concepts you’d like to explore further!

In the next module, Module 10: Automatic Scaling and Monitoring, we’ll explore the automation capabilities of AWS. Get ready to discover tools and services that help you automatically scale your cloud resources and monitor their performance for optimal resource utilization!

Episode 8:

Episode 10:



Harshith Avineni

Active Writer | Certified AWS Solution Architect | Write blogs on Tech, Science, Health, Product Reviews and more | Love to collab for more interesting ideas👋