How I Created Apple’s Shortcuts Icon System

A step-by-step guide on implementing Apple’s Shortcuts Icons Customization system.

Hassan El Desouky
7 min readAug 28, 2019


In this tutorial, I will share with you how I created the icon-creating system that I see in a lot of apps and I really liked what Apple did in their Shortcuts app. I have been wondering how do they create such a thing… how you can customize an icon for a list and not just choose an already finished icon.

Creating Icons

Of course, what I did is that I googled a lot but I didn’t go anywhere. Therefore, I decided to make my own!

Note: I know that my approach is far away from perfect and, of course, I can improve it a lot better. So, please if you know a better approach share it with me.

In this article, we will go through:

  • The starter project
  • Describing my approach
  • Adding CoreDataCreating a CoreData Manager model
  • Rely on the CoreData model
  • Implement CreateListController
  • Implement ListIconController
  • Updating the main ViewController
  • The final result and a Conclusion
  • Resources

The Starter Project

Previously I tried to create custom collectionView like Apple’s Shortcuts app. Then I wrote an article about it and you can read it here.

Pull the repo from GitHub and let’s start.

Run the project in Xcode and you will be starting with something like this.

My approach

In order to achieve what I was looking for I manly relyed on Notification Pattern to pass through the selected icons and colors.

From passing through the icons and background colors I concatenated a view from that info and then rendered the UIView to a UIImage.

I also used CoreData to store all of the information about the List.


I was learning CoreData so I choose to use it as the database for my app as it’s really easy to use and to add in your existing projects.

From File choose New File or by using the keyboard ⌘+N, then choose Data Model under the Core Data tab. Name it Model and click Create.

Add a new Entity let’s call it List then I’ll add a few attributes:

  • name of type String
  • firstColor of type Binary Data
  • secondColor of type Binary Data
  • imageData of type Binary Data and in the attributes inspector check on Allows External Storage
The CoreData model with the List entity and its attributes

CoreData Manager

To make things easy I’ll make a CoreDataManager struct to deal with CoreData easier.

From File choose New File or by using the keyboard ⌘+N, then choose Swift File. Name it CoreDataManager and click Create.

By the help of this model, I can get the context of the CoreData, get all of the lists.

Rely on CoreData

We will need to make some changes in order to fully rely on CoreData. Go to ViewController.swift and add a new Property:

var lists = [List]()

In collectionView:numberOfItemsInSection: method change return statement from 3 to lists.count.

Then, go to MainCollectionViewCell.swift and add a list Property, remove the gradients methods so the setup method will match the following.

Go back to ViewController.swift and in collectionView:cellForItemAt: method update it; to just pass the list.

Now after we defined the data source for our lists, let’s move to actually create a new list.

Create a List

I will create a new Storyboard. So again from File choose New File or by using the keyboard ⌘+N, then choose Storyboard I will name it CreateList then click create.

Add a TableViewController with the following attributes static cells and grouped then in the first and the only section make them 2 rows. In the first row add a TextField and in the second row and a Label and an ImageView, and change its accessory to Disclosure Indicator.

Add a NavigationItem and both a LeftBarButton and a RightBarButton.

Create a new Swift File let’s call it CreateListController and make it inherits from UITableViewController.Then go again to the storyboard and set the custom class and the Storyboard ID to CreateListController.

For testing purposes, go to ViewController.swift and in addNewList method push our new controller. You will see that the new controller is pushed but of course, nothing is working yet.

Create a protocol call it CreateListControllerDelegate.

Create outlets for the bar button item, text field, and icon image view. Also, create actions for both bar button items, and create the delegate property.

Connect the delegate in addNewList method inside of ViewController.swift file.

Connecting the delegate and pushing the CreateList view controller

Then handle empty fields like if the text field is empty the done bar button should be disabled.

Then, of course, to save all of the changes you would have to implement creating a new list and storing it in CoreData.

Create icon controller

If you took a look at the original Shortcuts app in the icon creating screen. You will see that.

IconView: you will construct the icon and see your result in that view.
SegmentedControl: you will use the segmented control to switch between the views in the container view.
ContainerView: in this view, you will select your desired color, glyph, or choose an image.

Therefore, I created a similar screen in the CreateList.storyboard.

Create four new Swift files name them ListIconController, IconColorController, IconGlyphController, and IconOtherController.

In IconOtherController

You will need to handle selecting a photo and passing the photo using Notifications to the ListIconController.

In IconColorController

You will show a collection view and in that collection view you will show your colors and when choosing a color you will also pass it using Notifications.

Also, don’t forget to create a collectionViewCell.

In IconGlyphController

First, you will need to add the images to your project. I downloaded a free pack from FlatIcon and then dragged them and added them to the project folder.

Following the same pattern as of selecting an icon and selecting a background color. In choosing a glyph for your list you will be passing it by Notifications.

In ListIconController

You will need to unwrap the information coming from the notification observers.

You will need to handle changing views based on the segmented controller.

And, of course, saving the data to CoreData and rendering the UIView to an image. And maybe check if there’s an already saved image you will load it instead of a new one.

Also, you will need to create an icon view that will have a gradient background.

Update your Extension file to match the following:

If you are interested in knowing how I saved UIColor with CoreData. I used an approach similar to what I used in my previous article — Save UIColor With UserDefaults in Swift 5.

Main ViewController

Finally, go to ViewController.swift and you will need to update a couple of things.

In both viewDidLoad and viewWillAppear methods, you will need to add the following line in order to fetch the list objects from CoreData.

self.lists = CoreDataManager.shared.fetchLists()

You will also need to confirm to the CreateListControllerDelegate and implement the didAddList() function.

The final result and a Conclusion

Finally, after a lot of work — for me at least. I managed to achieve my goal of making an icon creating system. It really comes very handily in a lot of application and it gives the user great user experience.

The end result

I’m really happy with my end result maybe there was an easier way of doing the same task. So if you have any feedback please add a comment below. I do really appreciate it.

Also, remember If you aren’t a designer you can also buy some great iOS App Templates and if you are more interested in React Native App Templates you can buy them from here they have a really great collection.


There’s a big room for improvements like for example improving or refining the code or adding new features like:

  • Editing a list
  • Deleting a list

Therefore, please feel free to pull the repo from GitHub and add when you are finished adding features to the project submit a PR. PRs are very welcome.

GitHub Project

And special thanks to Mohammed ElNaggar for helping out!

I think this article will help a lot of people. Therefore, I’m making it free. But please if you can tip me I will be so grateful. I’m saving to get an Apple Developer paid account so I can start uploading apps to the AppStore and tackle with early betas and a lot of paid only technologies like CloudKit.

