Automate + Track Side Hustles

What you need to learn from a $3k entrepreneur

Hazel Paradise
3 min readSep 30, 2023
Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Side hustles needed to be worked only on weekdays, right? But it’s far from reality.

I started my music store during the time when I was facing writer’s block. Also I needed more side hustles that did not have to do anything with blogging or writing. That’s the reason why I keep on saying I won’t be having any more side hustle related to writing, not this year or ever.

My side hustles including the Music store are dependent on Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter. But if you are new, I will recommend going for YouTube. YouTube never fails for any niche creator!

I started side hustles with the target to reach $500 each. I don’t want to take them seriously but needed something that has nothing to do with writing.

Sometimes the money is so great that I feel on top of the world, while the very next month I am thrown into the rabbit hole. The money fluctuates so much that it becomes hard to realize where the problem actually lies.

There are a few things that are working out for me and I hope this will help you as well. This is fully for side hustles, for full-time income some tips may or may not apply.

What my Twitter friend taught me

This is from a friend of mine from my Tech Twitter account. He is making currently $ 3,000 per month from one side hustle and I am sharing some useful insights from him.

  1. Automate what’s repetitive — I am not a fan of scheduling. Because ideas don’t flow through me 24 hours. So when ideas come, I share. But recently I decided to push myself and create some content for my Tech blog. I am going to do this for this Medium account as well. It saves a lot of time. I will be soon scheduling 15–20 days of tweets (not from ChatGPT).
  2. No Internet while working — I am very much a fan of this one. When I work with the open Google Chrome, there are so many things I keep on searching on the Internet. I started with “How to integrate Python with Google Sheets” and then from there I went to AI news channels and start reading AI Tech news. I spent 1–2 hours reading this and then one food video. Congratulations to me for wasting the whole day doing nothing! Now, no internet during work.
  3. Limit Internet Daily Usage — When I don’t watch YouTube videos, my mind is filled with ideas for my tweets, blogs, YouTube channels, and future ebooks. Before writing this article, I was watching Roast videos and I actually forgot what I needed to work for the day. Just Limit usage and your productivity will increase.
  4. Avoid YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram (I don’t have TikTok) while working — I try to check this only when I have done some work for the day. I used to watch lots of shorts early mornings and now I am trying my best not to open my YouTube app before 11 a.m.
  5. Start recording your earnings —I never liked to track my finances although my father and grandpa used to advise me a lot. Recently my uncle visited my homeplace and being an entrepreneur himself, he advised me to keep track of my income and expenses. And now this Twitter guy so I finally decided to do it. I should have done this much earlier. This helps me to understand the flow of my hard-earned money much better. I use a Google sheet template which is easy to use and anyone can start managing their finances from day 1. Here is the link in case you need one.


This is all for now!

I hope you will find these practical steps useful in turning your $100 side hustle into $3000 just like this guy!

Wish you luck with your side hustles! No better time to start making money than now!

Interested in starting a side hustle or earning money from writing? Then do check out my ebook — Small Ebooks, Big Income



Hazel Paradise

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.