How I Got Started With Gumroad

open your Gumroad store in 3 easy steps

Hazel Paradise
5 min readFeb 15, 2024
source — Gumroad

I have been selling my ebooks on Gumroad for 2 years now. I have three Gumroad stores currently.

There are no limitations as to what you can sell on Gumroad. Any type of digital product can be sold as long as you are the original creator of the product. You can sell physical products too but I haven’t seen many examples yet. So I’ll leave that part. I’ll be focusing more on digital products.

I sell mostly —

  1. ebooks (90% of my Gumroad income)
  2. Google Sheets — I use spreadsheets almost every single day. So decided to share with my audience as well. Maybe someone is old school and likes sheets like me? Here is the link in case you wanna have a look.

If you need a detailed review of the Gumroad platform then do check out this article — Gumroad Review (2024): How I Make Money Selling Ebooks.

For what you can sell on Gumroad, this is the perfect article for you — What Types of Products You Can Sell on Gumroad.

Some of my readers commented on my Gumroad review article that they don’t know how to get started with it. They love Gumroad a lot. But would love to know more before opening a store there.

I will share with you some simple steps so that you can get started on Gumroad within 5 minutes. Hardly 5 minutes. Your store will be alive before the end of this time frame!

Gumroad is just like any eCommerce platform out there. There are many alternatives. But I went with Gumroad for various reasons. I have detailed here — Gumroad Is for Independent Writers.

How I Got Started With Gumroad

Step 1 — Sign Up on the Gumroad website

This is easy to do. All you need is an email ID. And that’s it. Click on Start selling button and sign up using your mail id.

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After signing up this is what your dashboard looks like. Your name will appear on the top side of the dashboard. Plain and simple. The first look tells what it can offer you!

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Step 2 — Local/Currency Settings

If you see on the left menu then downside there is Settings option.

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Now you have to set your local timing (useful while doing email marketing and receiving notifications) and currency.

Remember that when you select the language then it only changes the language of your creator dashboard. And not your product descriptions, names, or any updates.

The time zone you select will also affect your sales and following dashboards.

There you can see a “Sell in..” option. It lets you choose the default currency for your products. Gumroad charges customers in USD at the current exchange rate during the purchase

For currency — I have kept US $ by default. You can change that to anything of your choice.

Currency available — GBP, Euro, Yen, Rupees, Australian Dollars, Canadian Dollars, Swiss Franc, Korean Won, Polish zloty etc.

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Also make sure you have added your -

  1. Username — Ex —
  2. Name
  3. Bio
  4. Logo

If you want you can connect your account to social media accounts as well. for now they have only Twitter

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After filling in all the details your sales page will look like this. Not to worry because only the name, bio, username, and the products will be seen. The rest are just for the creators.

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Step 3 — Payment Method

I know this is the exciting part. Once the setup is complete, you’ll be paid every week!

Before uploading anything to your store make sure that you have your payment methods in place.

There are two options for me currently. Some people will have a Bank transfer option as well.

  • For PayPal: All sales will incur a 10% Gumroad fee + 2.9% + 30¢ PayPal fee.
  • For Stripe: All sales will incur a 10% Gumroad fee.
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If you are interested in Gumroad Business then you can check out my ebook — Build Once, Sell Forever — How I Create & Sell Digital Products With Gumroad


There was a time when not many options were available. There were only a few options for e-commerce solutions and we needed to pay before making our first sale.

Now the time has gone. So many free solutions are there and it takes only a few minutes to set up.

You have the product.

You have the audience (for every product, for every niche there is ALWAYS an audience.)

You have an e-commerce solution

Start creating. No better time to start than now.

See you soon!

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Hazel Paradise

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.