Simple Teachings Make Better Human

My Grandpa’s Teaching Helped Me to Become a Better Writer

the ocean is right in front of us but we are still thirsty

Hazel Paradise
3 min readJul 2, 2023
Photo by Isaac Quesada on Unsplash

We have an ocean of knowledge right in front of us and yet we go through a long and difficult road just to confirm it.

My grandpa died when I was three years old so I don’t have that many memories of him. The last memory is him buying me a pack of sponge balls that I lost the very same day.

All the teachings are through my mother. I have tried my best to write them as it is without altering anything. Without adding my own words.

Whenever I would do something wrong or about to take the wrong step, my mom would start with, “My father used to say…”

I don’t know about others but in my house, it’s very common that my mom would remember her father every now and then and would share insights of how he lived and how he was well respected in our village. He belonged to a very poor family. She would share with us how he struggled his way and become a successful entrepreneur in his late 50s.

I am pretty sure that I can never be successful like him. He was a hardcore disciplined person. Would start his day with prayer and then some Yoga. He would do headstands daily. His life was very simple. Only veg food with less spice. Before opening his small shop he would first visit a nearby worship place. No new work would be done without doing prayers. It was his prime rule.

He died due to lung cancer. You guessed it right. He was a smoker but I am not in a position to blame him for anything.

I wouldn’t go into details but as I am growing old, I am realizing that people of 18s and 19s knew much more about life than us the late 19s-20s kids. We are moving and pushing and running in all directions. I should add here wrong directions. 10 or 20 years of struggle teaches us what our ancestors knew at a very young age.

It is said that this generation is more intelligent than the previous generation, I am finding it hard to believe.

I have tried my best to combine some teachings that I have learned from my Grandpa through my mother. Hope this will help you in your tough time and become a better version of yourself.

So, here we go..

  1. Do the work which you like and wouldn’t make your heart heavy when you fall asleep. If you cry at night, then you must be doing something wrong.
  2. If you make a mistake, no need to say sorry. Just change yourself.
  3. Listen to everyone but do what your heart feels right.
  4. Never start any new work without prayer. You won’t be able to do everything yourself.
  5. Spirituality should never be mixed with money. One day you’ll lose its true essence.
  6. No one really knows about god. Whoever knows doesn’t say anything at all. Only experience can answer this question — “Who is god?”
  7. Do good work without any hesitation and without any delay. Or else you would never be able to do it.

There are more, but this is all I remember right now.

Some of them have helped me a lot through my tough times especially the first one. I won’t share it here. Some experiences you need to keep to yourself.

I hope these wise words will help you through your tough times as well. We all are given equal opportunities to improve ourselves. We make stupid mistakes. We learn. We grow.

That’s how life goes on.

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Hazel Paradise

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.