One Book. Multiple Income Streams

list of all marketplaces where I sell my ebooks

Hazel Paradise
2 min readOct 28, 2023
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Tip — Go for shorts

I have always admired ebooks. Easy to write, takes ZERO investment (except Covers). Writing fiction takes time. However, writing non-fiction only takes a few days to complete.

Traditional Publishing Vs Self-Publishing

Traditional publishing is a hard game right now. You have to go through many loopholes to get accepted by a publishing company. And then many more months(or years) to see your first payment.

Self-publishing — You do the writing, editing, making the cover, and promotion. But you also keep getting the biggest share per sale as well.

Here is the list of marketplaces where I sell my ebooks —

The king of all marketplaces — Amazon KDP

Other small marketplaces — Apple iBooks. Barnes & Nobel, Kobo, Smashwords

Library — Scribd, OverDrive, Hoopla

Through my own website — My Gumroad account.

There are a few more but they make few sales per month so I am going to leave them.

Build Once, Sell Twice — How I Create & Sell Digital Products With Gumroad

Same book everywhere!

Just don’t let your books be in Amazon Kindle Select and you can upload the same ebook everywhere.

This means you write once but reach a different segment of the audience.

Some readers love to buy ebooks from Apple book store only. Some like Barnes and Noble. While some like to read using Kobo. So make sure you reach this different audience as well.

Get paid from Amazon KDP, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Hoopla, and Gumroad for just one book.

No Charge. Free Listings.

I haven’t paid any company. all take a small cut from my total royalties at the end of the month.


There are a few more marketplaces like Gardners, Tolino, etc. But they contribute very little to my monthly income (almost a few copies per month).

But the rest are big marketplaces and I get sales for all of my ebooks (under different pen names). So not think that only Amazon KDP will bring you all the sales. But having the same books everywhere will definitely help you to achieve your writing goals.

So write one book and publish it everywhere! Reach more audience with less effort.

If you want to know more about making money on Fiverr, then you can check out my book “Small Ebooks, Big Money”. Happy Writing Journey!



Hazel Paradise

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.