Platforms To Earn Money For Young Writers | My Honest Advice About Finance For New Authors

Hazel Paradise
5 min readAug 21, 2022


Photo by Ibrahim Rifath on Unsplash

Note — This article is not about TOP platforms to find jobs or how to write article and earn $10 per article. It will be based entirely on my experience.

When starting out as a writer, you are often surrounded by people who tell you that writing is not a job and even look down on you. No one takes a new writer seriously. Unless they are your partners or parents.

Daily Life Of A New Author

  1. Go online and type — “Top Platforms To Earn Money Writing Article” or something like that
  2. Create an account and finally become happy you found something to survive on. (Just because you know an income report of someone online)
  3. You’ll spend the day looking for clients on the platform
  4. Finally, after some days or maybe a month, you’ll get work (Just because you are ready to do work at a low price)
  5. Take days to complete the small work. (revision issues)
  6. Repeat. Because now you have again become jobless!

This is what I did and this is what everyone else did when they started out. And I don’t think you wanna spend your life doing this. You are here to become a writer and get into this business. You have books to write or maybe you wanna get into the blogging business. If you do the above steps then the writing success is going to be late.

Stike the iron while it is hot. When you are full of energy and passionate about writing, try your hands in writing business and not finding small writing jobs that will consume most of your time and energy.

You Need Money Basically -

  1. To pay rent. (Live with family or group of known friends. Young people mostly get into trouble, while trying to make quick bucks to survive!)
  2. For food. (not cheap garbage like cheese and burgers or expensive shakes. Just good nutritious food like cereals and pulses, vegetables, and cook-at-home meals. Your health matters the most at this age.)
  3. To pay bills.

Maybe there are more but let’s keep it short. I hope you are getting how much exactly you need just to survive while you are working on your writing business.

If you have read this far, I hope you are finding it useful. Do check my book My Mistakes in Self-Publishing if you are more into the writing business. Thanks!

If you have understood this, only then it is possible to move further.

Work You Can Do While Building Your Writing Business -

  1. Fiverr — I won’t say much here but my income proof will help you to get started.

Two Month Earnings Only. (After that I shifted to writing full-time.)

Worked Only on Saturdays and Sundays.

Field — Designing

2. Blog — Buy a cheap hosting and domain for your online presence(under $30 for one year). If you are short on money then ask for money from someone close to you with a promise you’ll return them back. (Do return back. They won’t trust you the next time!) and make sure you write daily.

3. Getting Active on Social Media— I mostly recommend Medium and Twitter. I don’t know if other can help you with your career or not but my trust is always with Medium and Twitter. Write the blog post and share it on these two platforms.

4. Develop Newsletter — This is important because once you get a decent following then this list you can use to promote your own work. Select a Newsletter that is simple to use, efficient, and has all features you need in a single dashboard.

5. Monetize Your Blog And Social Media with ONE affiliate program (for three months at least) — You are a starter, don’t push yourself out of your limits. This is a long-term game, remember.

6. Get a PART-TIME job — Seriously, get a job for at least 3 months. In three months, if you do things properly then you’ll see some changes in your financial situation. Working hard and doing it the right way is the key to it.

7. If everything fails, then become a teacher — This will save a lot of your energy and you can direct them to your work completely. I have been a teacher myself and I can tell from my experience that this is the best job for a writer. I used to give work to my students and then sit in the middle of the room, my back facing the camera and I would write my stories on rough pages.

What Not to Do -

  1. Get into a quick-rich scheme
  2. Packed up in your four walls. This will lead to frustration and maybe you’ll get indulged in bad habits.
  3. Trying to copy others. “My best friend is making tons of money on a so-so scheme and I should do that too!”.
  4. Do not dissipate your energy. You have a business to set up!
  5. Run away from reality. If you are doing something that is not leading to anything fruitful, accept it. Try to change methods or follow someone so that you can get the missing point. I have met so many good writers and business people on medium. Learn from them.
  6. If you have little money left, learn to live with it. Changes come only when you have stopped worrying about them too much.

I have been at a point when I had a few hundred bucks in my account with no income stream. Just unwritten books lying on my table.

If you want to know more about making money writing ebooks, then you can check out my book “My Mistakes in Self-Publishing”. Happy Writing Journey!



Hazel Paradise

Top Writer On Medium. Writer of 90+ books under multiple pen names. Yes, I make money writing ebooks.