Unveiling the Healing Potential: Exploring the Reiki Distance Symbol

Health WellFit
4 min readJan 8, 2024


While practising reiki, you learn about five reiki symbols, among which “Hon sha ze sho nen” is a distance symbol. The healing power of the reiki distance symbol allows users to conduct long-distance reiki sessions.

The Distance Reiki symbol lets the practitioner send healing powers to the receiver across space and time. Here’s how you can harness and unlock the power of the Reiki distance symbol and enhance your healing.

Harness the Healing Power of the Reiki Distance Symbol

Hon sha ze sho nen is known to be the distance reiki symbol, permitting you to send healing energy regardless of the distance. Now, there are two ways to harness the power of the reiki distance symbol.

1. You draw the symbol on a picture or a piece of paper representing the person or situation. Then, send the healing energy towards that person or situation.

2. Concentrate and visualize the distance reiki symbol and send the healing energy towards the person you want.

However, it is better to perform under professional supervision if you are a beginner. Book a distance reiki healing session today to experience the remote healing power of the reiki distance symbol.

The Distance Reiki Symbol: Unlocking the Power of Remote Healing

The energy flow during reiki sessions is not limited to boundaries as they strongly believe in oneness, where all living things are connected. This reliance empowers us to send and connect the energy flow with all living things across space and time. Consider it as a powerful tool enabling the process of remote healing.

Significance and application of reiki distance symbol

  1. Intention and connection: intent to connect with healing energy to send it across time and space. It Establishes a link between the recipient, practitioner, and universal force.
  2. Space and time healing: There is no limit to time and space in distance reiki symbols. It enables access to a person who is not physically present.
  3. Healing past and future events: Along with the present, you can send healing energy to the past and future. There are beliefs that the root cause in the past or future can be balanced with the reiki distance symbol.
  4. Non-intrusive healing: Distance reiki healing is non-intrusive as it does not require any physical touch.
  5. Global healing: The Reiki Distance symbol helps with global healing as you can send positive energy to promote peace and balance.
Source: Freepik

Are you eager to explore the power of distance reiki? Start with scheduling a distance healing session to experience the healing energy of the Distance Reiki symbol.

Empower Your Healing Journey with the Reiki Distance Symbol

Are you facing emotional distress, anxiety, or tension throughout your body? You can always opt for the holistic healing of Reiki for overall well-being. Spread and share this energy with others in need by mastering the knowledge of Reiki.

Discover the healing energy of the Reiki distance symbol no matter what time, space, or distance you are at. It is a sacred symbol that sends healing energy from a distance. Here is a downloadable 6-page Reiki distance symbol file to help you empower your healing journey.

Reiki Distance Symbol (apply link for downloadable file).

Enrol in a distance Reiki training program if you want a professional approach. The distance reiki symbol will enhance your powers so that you can help those in need.

Expand Your Healing Reach with the Distance Reiki Symbol

Are you looking towards enabling your healing powers for remote healing? Distance Reiki symbol is the chance you are waiting for. The Reiki Distance symbol is a gateway for a remote healing process that expands your healing reach across any distance.

To unlock and expand your powers with the Distance Reiki symbol to help those in need worldwide. Sign up for a distance reiki certification course and begin your transformative and healing journey.

To wrap up

The Reiki distance symbol allows the practitioner to enhance and empower the healing powers regardless of distance. It enables you to improve your overall well-being and help those in need. Let’s privilege the power of the Reiki distance symbol and bring an affirmative change.

Learn about the Reiki principles that all practitioners follow when learning or practicing Reiki in their everyday life.



Health WellFit

Health WellFit is a holistic approach that blends fitness, wellness, health to promote overall well-being and help individuals lead healthier and happier lives.