My Day — aka Being A Mother

A poem I wrote long ago when life was simple!

Heather Bradford
3 min readJun 18, 2024

You can read the whole poem for free on this link!

Authors own image of herself with her three children.

I groan awake; alarm is ringing

Persistent thing is unforgiving!

Must I acknowledge it is morning?

My muddled brain is busy yawning

Flush the loo and splash the sleep

Work skirts in the ironing heap

Kids have been up for a time

As I drag their uniforms off the line

Lay them out on unmade bed

The dog is yelping to be fed

Quickly text my absent lover

Lest he thinks about another

Nutritious lunch I’m quickly packing

Kids might see the food I’m wrapping

I need coffee; boil the jug

Give each one their morning hug

Call the kids to have their forage

This one wants some nice hot porridge

That one only eats rice bubbles

My third likes egg; if it’s no troubles.

Please get dressed; I’ll tie your shoe



Heather Bradford

Passionate writer weaving spirituality, motivation, and inspiration into every word. Sign up for a FREE newsletter at