Have a bad day?

Henry Imoh
5 min readFeb 20, 2022
A person sits alone at a lake

While you won’t be able to fix all of those issues or push the “restart” button on an “off” day, there are some simple steps you can take to break the cycle and redirect it. In reality, the goal is to get into a healthier frame of mind so you can deal with all of the bad luck stacking up. These strategies will help you deal with a terrible day by boosting your mood and getting you back on track. They’ll at the very least set you up for a great day the next day!

Recently, I lost my pet dog in an accident. That was one of the worst days of my life. The next day, I realized how much damage and hurt I had caused those around me, simply because I closed myself off. Your sadness or hurt is valid, but it shouldn’t be seen as an overly negative emotion. When you turn it around, it becomes an amazing survival tool for adapting to various situations. Read below the various ways you can turn a bad or gloomy day around.


The first step to being free is to acknowledge your sadness and pain. You have to accept that pain is part of being human. It’s just a bad day. You need to look in the mirror and tell yourself the hard truth. Also, it is OK to cry. Don’t be afraid to cry. It isn’t a sign of weakness, but rather an acceptable way to let go of your negative feelings.

If you let those feelings build up without releasing them, you’ll have a much harder time dealing with them later. This is often more difficult for men to accept because of the burden society has placed on them to be stoic and emotionless. In contrast, when you are having a bad day, the best thing you can do for yourself is to be yourself and let your emotions flow.

Go Outside

If you have a lot of free time and want to go on a hike or have a picnic, that’s fantastic. However, if you’ve had a long day at work, even a little break outside will improve your attitude. Try going for a 10-minute stroll around the block; it’ll help a lot!

When having a bad day, sometimes all we need is a simple walk in the park or ice cream. Being with nature helps in calming the mind and appreciating the good in one’s life. For some, maybe seeing a movie or helping out at a charity center helps lift their mood.

When I am down, I watch some anime. It gets my mind off my frustrations.

Talk to Someone

It is scientifically proven that talking to someone immensely improves our mood. If you have someone you can call and would listen to, call them right now and tell them everything. Afterward, you will feel much better. During your commute or after a hard day at work, phone long-distance pals to catch up. Talking to your family and friends might help you get out of a rut.

Do not be alone. That feeling of loneliness adds to the burden on your shoulders. When having a bad day, we all need someone we can talk to and get the worries off our chest.


Think of something you are thankful for right now. It could be the cup of coffee you had this morning, the sweet puppy or kitten you’ll be going home to tonight, or the healthy set of eyes that allowed you to read this article. It’s so easy to lose sight of these little things when we’re upset.

Gratitude is highly underrated. Depending on the context, gratitude can be a lot of things. Simply put, it’s a deep sense of thankfulness for the good that exists in a world that often feels dark and hopeless. When having a bad day, simply pull out a note and write down all you are grateful for. It could be as little as the shoes on your feet or the phone that you hold. In positive psychology, gratitude is the human way of acknowledging the good things in life. Practice some gratitude today.

Playing with Animals

Remember the feeling of seeing a gorgeous puppy walking down the street? That is the actual meaning of happiness. Schedule time to play with animals at a local animal shelter, volunteer to walk a friend’s dog, or simply look at gorgeous puppies and kittens on the internet.

Treat Yourself to Something Relaxing

Treating yourself to a massage, Yoga, pedicure, facial, or blowout is a terrific way to lift your spirits. If that’s not your thing, you may try reading a book or solving a puzzle.

Music is also a great way to be at peace and get rid of that negative energy. If you are a music enthusiast then this will work for you. Get those headphones or earbuds, find a serene location and listen to your favorite songs.”Peace is just a playlist away”

I listen to lo-fi whenever I feel down, lofi is guaranteed to put you at peace.


Take a Breath

Stop for a moment. Take a really slow breath. Don’t skip this one… do it. Count it out. 5 seconds in, hold for 2 seconds, and 5 seconds out. Just get in this present moment. Feel your shit, and expel all of your emotions through your breath. Right now, at this very moment, everything is OK. Look around yourself. Get present. Feel the air going into your lungs and out again. Cool as it comes in and warm as it goes out. Just focus on that. Focus on the positives. Your breath is your positive channel.

Try this deep breathing practice if you’re feeling overwhelmed or just need a reset in the middle of a hectic day. This technique will help you relax and change your perspective.

Wrapping up

Allow yourself to scream into a pillow to get the terrible vibes out of your system, rather than distracting yourself. Is it not working for you? That pillow needs a punch! Cry into it, shred it, embrace it, yank it… then clean up your mess as you recover and relax.

Bad days come and go. Allow yourself to feel what you need to feel and go on to brighter days. Don’t forget to drink some water today. wink!

