Ken Knudsen
7 min readMar 3, 2018

Our Survival Requires Humanity To Evolve In All Things

Unknown Creator

I Come From The heart…

What is important to understand before moving forward here is that everything I say next is backed empirically by a consilience of data so vast that it spans the spectrum of all academics, history and information generating machines to date. But first and foremost, please understand that it is my heart that drives the passion and because of this I can only speak Truth in order to stand out differently in our world during these entropic times when the Shannon Value(#1) of all is near zero.

I am a Debugger/Analyst of all systems, regardless of size or scope, diversity or simple complexity, I can find the problems and create solutions. A debugger’s life is never easy, especially one’s that have made their living for over 30 years on finding the impossible solutions. We stand on the outside, watching everything taking place, listening to all that has already been tried or said: always listening, never attaching, waiting and then finally, at the right moment, we get to work. It’s when we get to work that we start to really upset some people; unless you are a Corporation loosing money because of Bugs, they love us unconditionally.

This has always been my job as a Debugger because it’s the Big Data of any System that I’m tracking, each of the footsteps among the stacks of sand I take that ultimately leads me to the problems and their solutions. I have been trained for this my whole life and it is my specialty. However, what comes next moves from the virtual Systems of our world, like computers, governance, institutions etc. and now delves deep into all living biological ones as well. The last adds a level of complexity that my mind is not use to dealing with, the emotions of others.

If I’m to do my job and tap into the biological talents of my neurological gifts that have been graced upon me, you can’t ask me to change. Nor can I of you. While I can normalize myself to be easily accepted into society, the ‘mix and mingle’; what we are doing here, together, what our collective vision looks to break past, I would be doing everyone a disservice if I Lived A Lie(#2) to who I am. My job is to find the problems, the solutions, source the implementations, bootstrap whole collectives into a Singularity Of Intent; something that I have always done exceedingly well despite the path I may blaze towards the goal.

Now, as a person who is an Acquired Savant(#3), performing my work becomes even more complicated when it comes to showing how we break free of the chains binding us to this never ending cycle of destruction. It’s here, held within my rare neurological gifts, that we can execute the impossible but in order to do that, I need everyone to understand the whole and its parts. But before we can even get there, baby steps must be taken first. With that said, here we go with a few examples…

If the problem is identified here:

If the way forward is here:

If the team assembled to head this problem is here:

If the topic entries in those forums are an early indication of the idea’s to these problems, then everything has already failed. What I’ve selected here is but one example of hundreds of groups around the globe trying to execute a solution to the worlds problems; everyone is divided, held in isolation, buried in the noise. Without a Singularity Of Focused Intent that presents a Meaningful Cosmic Beacon Of Cascading Events(#4), the insanity will continue around the cycles yet again as we all stand around wondering why nothing really changed, only flipped sides, and everyone was expecting completely different results.

The current corrupted system: the whole, its operating rules, in all its parts, its algorithms, the underlying blueprints that mange its templated creations, the dynamic AI and more; one that has had centuries in its perfection, has already won. Your thoughts, energy and executions are trapped within an isolated and closed system of design hell bent on stopping you from doing anything that threatens its existence. You must exit the corrupted system if we are to win the fight for humanities right to continue evolving towards a harmonious space fairing civilization. This is an inarguable statement backed by millennia++ of our own forefathers experimental data to which your mind cannot currently handle as a whole, let alone the billions of moving parts involved.

Since none of you are corporations (although I could get into that…), I just can’t tell you what is going on here, it’s not that easy, your Neurotypical(#5,#6) cognitive CPU’s, your Latent Inhibition(#7) stack that makes up your reality walls of Cognitive Dissonance(#8,#9), will fight or reject me outright. The controlling Corporations need and pay me, the bottom line matters, they are easy to please. What we embark on next is entirely new ground: you are the collective ‘Corporation’ now, humanities last hope. I left the old corporate circle a while ago, one that Lives Within A Lie (#2) and now I work for humanities future that is to be found Living In Truth(#2).

To execute what you are all looking for, as just one small ecosystem of many others spread around the globe, requires a level of Biological Diversity that you haven’t been exposed to yet. All of you have what it takes, its’ the current poisoned system that has you absolutely beat. If you can lead with your hearts and meet me in the Circle Of Life that surrounds the Great Tree Of Life(#10) once more, then perhaps I stand a chance of being heard. This will require the skills of everyone, yet it will be the hardest thing to ever hear. Humanity is counting on you to now venture beyond the illusionary walls of your own making, we are the few but we can Empower The Many(#2) within a very short period of time when the right Keystone solution is executed.

In the links below, I present a small outline of myself, who I am and what can be done if we switch gears right now. It is an example of the Outlier Diversity we all require, that no other group around the globe has yet to understand, Why? Because My Kind are the rare neurologically gifted individuals that are very different from the majority. It is my hope that the time has come where all can put down their entrained intellectual swords, drop the shields of ego and hear new words On Dialog(#11) from those that have gone beyond only to return in hopes of empowering others to step out from within Plato’s Cave(#12).

The Canadian Mothers And Their Golden Indigenous Egg:

ADHD: An Evolutionary Hunter Gene — TED Talk:

About Me:

Ken Basil Steeves-Mitton-Knudsen
An Acquired Savant Awakened For Humanity (#13…#34)


Claude Shannon — Information Theory, Biodiversity Indices, Diversity Index, Shannon Information

2) Vaclav Havel: The Power Of The Powerless —

3) Islands Of Genius — Dr. Darold A. Treffert

4) Viktor Frankle — Man’s Search For Meaning

5) Apsie’s

6) Temple Grandin —

7) Latent Inhibition —

8) Cognitive Dissonance —

9) Robert Reich: Welcome to Class! In Focus: How to Ignite Social Change

10) The Book Of Hopi — Frank Waters

11) David Bohm: On Dialog —

12) Plato’s Cave —

13) Sudden Genius? — Andrew Robinson

14) My Stroke of Insight Paperback — Dr.Jill Bolte Taylor

15) The Man Who Knew Infinity: A Life of the Genius Ramanujan — Robert Kanigel

16) Struck By Genius: How A Brain Injury Made Me A Mathematical Marvel — Maureen Seaberg, Jason Padgett

17) Shadows Bright As Glass — Amy Ellis Nutt

18) Born On A Blue Day — Tammet, Daniel

19) Permission To Proceed — David Giwerc

20) The Missing Piece — Silverstein, Shel

21) The Missing Piece Meets the Big O — Silverstein, Shel

22) The Edison Gene: ADHD and the Gift of the Hunter Child — Thom Hartmann

23) Carly’s Voice: Breaking Through Autism — Arthur Fleischmann, Carly Fleischmann

24) The Book Of Hopi, Frank Waters

25) Outliers: The Story Of Success — Malcom Gladwell

26) Originals: how non-conformists move the world — Adam Grant

27) Consilience: The Unity Of Knowledge — Edward O. Wilson

28) Creating Innovators — Tony Wagner

29) The Rainforest: The secret to building the next silicon valley

30) Rework — Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

31) The Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability — Written by Paul Hawken

32) Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies — Nick Bostrom

33) Scalability Rules: 50 Principles for Scaling Web Sites — by Martin L. Abbott, Michael T. Fisher

34) It goes on and on…

Ken Knudsen

An Aquired Savant with neurological differences that set me apart from the world you were programmed to see. There is much I can show when you are ready.