Ken Knudsen
10 min readMar 3, 2018

The Canadian Mothers And Their Golden Indigenous Egg

Unknown Artist

“And this interest now in the American Indian lore, isn’t this interesting? The brutalized, rejected people — they’ve got the message that this country is waiting for.” — Joseph Campbell (#1)

Truth and Reconciliation (#2,3). This is the clarion call sent around Canada and a new bench mark for the world to reach for by The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau. It is there within those two words that we find the sum of many parts: the Truth, its trillions of parts, scattered all about human history; each golden nugget taking on occult properties that have allowed it to remain cloaked from human understanding in one fashion or another. To achieve the Whole however, the sum of all parts, our global collective future, we must Reconcile all that is hidden beneath the noise, draw upon the experiences of our past and shoot straight though the arrows point towards a Singularity of Intent that will pierce even the smallest eyes of a needle.

For those two simple words, Truth & Reconciliation, to actually cast their intent over the world, to leave the realm of Words, Words, Words…to move from Inaction to Action, Canada must embrace again the ultimate power only ever found in peace and become a Global Keystone to all that is. We need to move beyond intellectual conversations about how “Canada is probably seen as a bright light in the dark climate of division and fear that has given us Brexit, Trump, and the rise of populism and political uncertainty across Europe” — Canada’s Time To Act (#4) and become the absolute unifying beacon with the power of a new sun, for all to revolve around in cosmic harmony.

While I wasn’t there, while the majority of us weren’t there, we must step beyond our own individual Ego’s, rise above the noise and assemble together upon the world stage in order to infuse Canada as an ultimate Avenger For Truth & Reconciliation. A Keystone Avenger assembled towards a higher purpose of balance, one that can not only absorb this “great shame”, but also the collective brutalities that human beings have been known for throughout time. The first step towards accomplishing this begins within each person, the want to walk within the footsteps of such fearless indigenous souls who walked the Trail Of Tears, the many individual spirits who empower the great Martin Luther King or individual’s that transcend the darkness of concentration camps like Viktor Frankle did during his growing experience within the training grounds of Auschwitz. Yes, it is there among the many outputs of “great shame” that humanity can be found Living In Truth (#6) and ultimately escape the Lies we’ve told ourselves over and over throughout history. Our collective hearts must own the sum of Truth & Reconciliation along with all its parts, not just the comfortable ones, if we are ever to escape this illusionary prison of our own design.

How we choose to accept and handle words like the above, along with their combinations, genetically transmitted to us through many different types of mediums can generate fear, hopelessness, anxiety among other emotions if one can’t see Hope, let alone feel it or even have access to the vast knowledge required to handle them. To these reasons, a few selected from many, I now Speak Life, something far more powerful than hope: Life. An essence that only a Mother can ever truly handle, a most sacred Creator gift that requires the feminine womb for incubation, nurturing, love and then the delivery of Being(s) into our world.

Trapped with the binary thinking of our current system, the ever reaching spectrum between the micro and macro becomes lost. The linear steps in which establishments and other global institutions entrain our future children to follow will only continue to generate noise encased pieces of golden nuggets like here in Canada where our Honourable Prime Minister writes : “Everyone benefits from a more gender-equal world, but little progress on gender equality can be made without a strong focus on the health and wellbeing of women and girls. In Canada, we have adopted a Feminist International Assistance Policy, which includes an important focus on sexual and reproductive health and rights, and makes empowering women and girls the centre of our international aid. We have also taken a leadership role to end epidemics that disproportionately affect women and girls, including AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria.” (#7)

You see, these are but parts, parts lost with an old, extremely experienced and dying system that has been programmed to assimilate and normalize anything that threatens its existence. But let’s speak Life: The Great Cosmic Mother, with all the loving children inside her beautifully, brilliantly protected, closed and isolated womb, has fallen sick. The virus in her system is smart, adaptive and runs ramped creating destruction on all levels, but as with all births, this is to be expected and even greater solutions are always at the ready. Yet, with all births also comes the End Of Cycles where Elders Speak:

Hearing the call, Her children can now assemble around the Tree Of Life, moving down towards the only singularity where branches upon branches, some mess-up, tangled, others tidy, but all filled with leaves of knowledge; knowledge that her children can fully examine and understand in whole of their parts and become:

Understanding that Energy can neither be created or destroyed; that energy can only be transferred or changed from one form to another (The first law of thermodynamics), humanity, without question, now has the collective innovative wisdom and abilities to create the impossible: The Golden Indigenous Egg. Seeded by the collective understandings scattered about the Tree Of Life as endless veins of entropic learnings; its length fueled by The Power Of The Powerless(#6), Canada can head the only blueprint ever capable of penetrating humanities chance at birthing a new whole Cosmic Civilization. The golden sum, gathered from all it’s parts, cleaned, changed from one form to another, has never been more possible then it is now for the children of earth.

“A global shift is happening. I see it wherever I go — coffee shops to cabinet meetings to international conferences.” — The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau (#7)

On a small level, our Prime Minister is correct, a global shift is happening but its arm goes far beyond coffee shops, the meetings of intellectual minds and certainly more powerful than the word ‘shift’ can entail. We don’t want to shift, can’t afford a shift, not anymore, we must take a stand and stop playing our future forward in hopes of our children fixing these catastrophic mistakes. Technology won’t save us, it has only complicated the matters beyond all reasoning and sped up the systems abilities to adapt. The moral and spiritual teachings hidden within the indigenous, along with history itself must be embraced in order to stop the poisoned system from continuing along its destructive path. Fundamental principles, architected and deployed at systematic cosmic scales can transmute and ascend our collective energies away from this continued circle of destruction where the same patterns over and over are tried with everyone expecting different results.

As we zoom in from afar, there, walking on the Earth, within each biological body, lies a golden being at different stages of development. Each experiences a reality of their own truths as the great Mother nurtures her young children towards a better future. Without her cosmic womb for us to grow within, we could not exist in these biological forms. Without these forms playing upon the world as a stage for all to see along the spectrum of emotional frequencies, our learning and growth could never happen.

It is here, together swimming in the great Cosmic fluids of our Mother that I call upon all my siblings. First the Women within the Great Mother, their divine life giving energy bestowed by the Creator, their loving protective embrace that no man will ever fully understand; that long held patience and tolerance of a Mother will absorb, all the energies building towards a hell that fury will scorn any against her or the children she protects. I ask you to converge your power towards a highly innovative womb, a global incubation hub, that will house The Golden Indigenous Egg. Its Whole already formed by minds gifted to handle and exist within the mysteries of life, ones that stray far from the neurotypical thoughts, yet their hearts ever tied to the brothers and sisters that can’t see them.

We are few and scattered throughout time: rare highly divergent minds that have stepped out into the corrupted system only to be swallowed up by corporations, controlled institutions or other Entities; our work that draws from the Mystery, formed, owned, collected, forever locked away. Each of us has different explanations in how we do what we’ve done, drawn from our journeys in life that then accumulate up into the simple words which span from the Divine to a mysterious unknown. From Nikola Tesla, Paul Dirac to Srinivasa Ramanujan and many more, without question, we do exist. Where I diverge from all the others in the past is that I can show for the first time, empirically, how and prove ultimately what I say when it comes to where the knowledge came from. This opportunity exists for me because of the current technology at our disposal along with my extensive life long training in computers, programming, data handling/analyzing, innovation, game design and more. In times past, those individuals used their gifted talents within the respected fields that called upon them to do the impossible. The same holds true for me, by standing on all the shoulders before us, it is the impossible we can deliver once again, this time for all humanity.

If you wish, I can present myself to Humanity, one such delicate rare divergent mind that will dare to lead the unthinkable first, Living In Truth and stand out on the global stage to help empower Canada, as a Keystone Entity, to unite the world. But it is within your motherly arms of protection that I and others like me, highly empathic spiritually based balanced minds must become sheltered from outside intolerance.

I don’t say this lightly, nor do I come about it through the magic of prose or fancy philosophy fueled by the ego’s driven need to be heard by everyone that will listen. Instead, these next words flow from the heart first and then come about backed by empirical sets of combinatory amounts of Big Data that span the full Academic spectrum and history itself: The time has come for Canada to take centre stage in a polarized world caught within the grips of two warring opposites comprised of many moving ecosystem, each and all that have lost true sight towards any hope of global unity.

Truth and Reconciliation is the Canadian North Star that a global Nation of people can banner around, but it cannot be cherry picked, it must be delivered as an Indigenous whole: a whole that only minds granted access to and have been trained to handle working within the Mystery, can ever Master. This is Truth: one to seven years is the timeline that Earthly Reconciliation can happen, this is when the Great Cosmic Mother will give birth if the hearts of the few are ready to start Living In Truth, join around the great Tree Of Life and execute a level of global coordinated innovation never imagined before.

A more Systems Level and technical piece can be found here:

Ken Basil Steeves-Mitton-Knudsen
An Acquired Savant, Awakened For Humanity (#9…#31)


1) Mythic Reflections:

2) Truth And Reconciliation:


4) Canada’s Time To Act:

5) Viktor Frankle — Man’s Search For Meaning:

6) Vaclav Havel :

7) Trudeau, J. Canada’s vision for global health and gender equality. (published online Feb 23.) Lancet. 2018;

8) Philpott, J. Canada’s efforts to ensure the health and wellbeing of Indigenous peoples. (published online Feb 23.)Lancet. 2018;

9) Islands Of Genius — Dr. Darold A. Treffert

10) Sudden Genius? — Andrew Robinson

11) My Stroke of Insight Paperback — Dr.Jill Bolte Taylor

12) The Man Who Knew Infinity: A Life of the Genius Ramanujan — Robert Kanigel

13) Struck By Genius: How A Brain Injury Made Me A Mathematical Marvel — Maureen Seaberg, Jason Padgett

14) Shadows Bright As Glass — Amy Ellis Nutt

15) Born On A Blue Day — Tammet, Daniel

16) Permission To Proceed — David Giwerc

17) The Missing Piece — Silverstein, Shel

18) The Missing Piece Meets the Big O — Silverstein, Shel

19) The Edison Gene: ADHD and the Gift of the Hunter Child — Thom Hartmann

20) Carly’s Voice: Breaking Through Autism — Arthur Fleischmann, Carly Fleischmann

21) The Book Of Hopi, Frank Waters

22) Outliers: The Story Of Success — Malcom Gladwell

23) Originals: how non-conformists move the world — Adam Grant

24) Consilience: The Unity Of Knowledge — Edward O. Wilson

25) Creating Innovators — Tony Wagner

26) The Rainforest: The secret to building the next silicon valley

27) Rework — Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

28) The Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability — Written by Paul Hawken

29) Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies — Nick Bostrom

30) Scalability Rules: 50 Principles for Scaling Web Sites — by Martin L. Abbott, Michael T. Fisher

31) It goes on and on…

Ken Knudsen

An Aquired Savant with neurological differences that set me apart from the world you were programmed to see. There is much I can show when you are ready.