From Monolith to Microservices — Part 1

Heru Hermawan
2 min readJun 6, 2020


This is the first part of article “From Monolith to Microservices”

Monolithic Architecture

The centralized nature of monolithic applications results in the lack of being able to scale applications independently, inter-application dependencies that hinder independent application development and deployment, reliability issues due to the centralized nature and the constraints on using diverse technologies for application.

Monolithic Architecture
Example of Monolithic Architecture

What are Microservices?

The foundation of the microservices architecture is about developing a single application as a suite of small and independent services that are running in their own processes, developed and deployed independently.

Microservices Architecture
Example of Microservices Architecture

Microservice Benefits & Liabilities

Benefits :
1. Agile and Rapid Development of Business Functionalities
2. Replaceability
3. Failure Isolation and Predictability
4. Agile Deployment and Scalability
5. Align with Organizational Structure

1. Inter-Service Communication
2. Service Governance
3. Heavily Depends on Deployment Methodologies
4. Complexity of Distributed Data and Transaction Management

Microservice Patterns

A pattern language for microservices based on Chris Richardson Consulting

Credit to: Alibaba Cloud



Heru Hermawan

An unidentified walking object from 🇮🇩 who ❤️ any kind of tech stuff related, especially code and design.