The Fruit that Cured My Homesickness

If you’re missing home…

4 min readMar 29, 2024

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Being overseas is an incredible experience. I made amazing friends, explored new cultures, and everything felt new and exciting…at first. But then, the inevitable hit: homesickness. The thrill of new surroundings faded, replaced by a longing for the familiar.

My cultural exchange turned into a bit of culture shock. The constant novelty wore thin, and I felt overwhelmed by everything unfamiliar.

My cocoa coat, my kinky mane — things I never had to give a second thought to at home — suddenly made me stand out like a sore thumb. Missing my spicy Caribbean cuisine, the close-knit communities, and, of course, mi la familia, only intensified this feeling of isolation.

On an ordinary night, after a workout I hoped would clear my head, sweaty and in my gym wear, I decided to go on a quick supermarket run for items to make a salad.

In the produce aisle, amidst the usual suspects, I saw a beacon of sunshine — a yellow haven I never thought I would be so desperate to see — a mango!

Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

Back home, mangoes were ubiquitous, abundantly growing in our backyards. And if you weren’t fortunate enough to have a tree of your own, you could always stretch over the fence and ask a neighbor to share some of their fresh picks. Unhesitantly, they’d offer you a few with a smile and friendly conversation. With or without a mango tree of your own, you’d never go fruitless during the season in Caribbean culture.

Another heartwarming gesture of friendliness I never gave a second thought to when back home was the tradition of putting the excess produce from your trees on the wall of your front yard. These were the fruits your family couldn’t consume by themselves. So instead of letting them spoil in heaps on the ground, they were there for outsiders and passersby to take and enjoy free of cost. A beautiful display of abundance and community spirit.

But being here overseas, in the fruit’s prime season, seeing just one mango on a shelf with a label — it was a revelation! That solitary mango held memories, flavors, and a connection to home that transcended its humble appearance.

The sweet yellow fruit practically serenaded me. I had no choice!

Amidst these foreign labels, there it was, a little piece of home — in the produce aisle of Walmart non-the-less!

I tossed it in my cart and practically ran to the empty cashier. She’d probably thought I had the most grueling gym session since I was sweaty, hasty and acted like I was starving! But I was! Starving for the taste of familiar comfort — starving for a piece of home.

Back at my apartment, excitement replaced my earlier slum. I gathered all the housemates I could find, even the ones who looked at me like I’d lost my marbles.

With the seasoned expertise of someone raised on mangoes, I chef-sliced it with no jagged edges. The sweet aroma filling the air made my mouth water. I shared the juicy slices with my bewildered (but soon to be convinced) housemates.

Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

That first bite was pure bliss. It wasn’t just the taste; it was a connection to home. My ethnically diverse housemates mirrored my look of pure satisfaction — a universal language of deliciousness!

Sticky fingers flying, I grabbed my phone and video-called my grandma and aunt. They weren’t there to share the fruit with us, but as I held it up, they launched into a familiar conversation.

Seasoned Caribbean women through and through, they debated the mango’s variety — Julie or Number Eleven? — with the same enthusiasm I remembered from countless backyard mango feasts.

Photo by Kaysha on Unsplash

The homesickness that had painted my world grey moments earlier vanished with each bite. It wasn’t just the mango; it was the tiny taste of home, the shared experience with my new friends, and the comfort of familiar connections.

So, no, a 85 cent mango from Walmart isn’t the cure for homesickness…

But for me, it was a reminder. A reminder to find the small things that spark joy, the simple moments that connect you to home, and the loved ones you can reach out to, even across the miles.

Because sometimes, a phone call and a shared memory are all the therapy you need. 🌴🥭

If you enjoyed my homesick story, and you’d like to support me, please consider supporting this Jamaican girlie by buying me a pineapple or in this case a mango!🍍🥭😂 Don’t be shy, you can leave a few claps too👏👏

Your support means the world to me, and if you’ve ever been home sick or found something that works well for you, let me know in the comments. Thanks for being awesome!




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