How to optimize Google and Metaverse platforms as a content creator — starting with the target audience

hilda sadang
7 min readSep 18, 2023

I am about to unleash my one year journey as a content creator and I feel this avalanche of information, experience and dare I say, wisdom ;) deserves a dedicated article in itself.

A little bit of background. I am now teaching movements in a Pilates and Gyrotonic studio and simultaneously building my identity in the content creation world, with the ultimate goal of selling my own course next year.

I’m leveraging my strategy planning skills to enable me be a good online education entrepreneur. My area of education is my biggest passion- movements and self care. My current stint as a trainer in a Pilates & Gyrotonic studio gives me hands on experience as to what being a movement educator entails- so I can better design my course and make relevant content about it to people who need it.

With that bigger plan in mind, I started with Step 1- learning to edit my own videos. This I won’t go into details in this write- up. Step 2 would be about understanding YouTube more.

Today’s sharing would be Step 3 of the process- about knowing how to optimize the difference between Google & Metaverse, for the purpose of promoting myself beyond YouTube. This is one the biggest thing a content creator must know.

I hark back to the days when I was in advertising agencies- that some digital guy would always mention the mighty “digital eco- system”. And how…



hilda sadang

CREATOR. EDUCATOR. ENTREPRENEUR- in movement education