Hidden Google Search Tricks That Make Google 10X Better Than ChatGPT

Surendra Bhunwal
4 min readDec 30, 2022
Google search tricks

Google helps us in so many different ways, but sometimes we have to go through a lot of sites to find the correct information.

That’s where Google search operators come into play.

With the help of certain Google search operators, you can filter out all the irrelevant results.

So how can we do that?

In this post, you’ll find the most popular Google search operators that will help you find the right information almost instantly.

#1 Find The Files Quickly

When we search for files on Google, like pdfs or docs, we usually find sites that don’t provide such files, but they still appear at the top for such keywords.

If you use this operator, you’ll only find pages that provide the files that you’re looking for.

keyword filetype: file format

For example, if you want to find “free copyrighting ebooks” then you can type:

free copywriting ebooks filetype: pdf

filetype google search operator

As you can see in the above screenshot, every URL contains a pdf file, which you can download easily.

Similarly, you can quickly find videos, music files, images, or any other kind of file.

#2 Show Results From a Specific Site Only

Want to get results from one website only? You can use this search operator.

keyword site: medium.com

For example, if you want to read stories on Medium related to the best copywriting books, then you can type:

best copywriting books site:medium.com

site operator

As you can see, all of the links lead to medium stories about the best copywriting books.

#3 Exclude a Specific Site

Now you may want to exclude a particular website from search results. In that case, you can type

keyword -site.com

For example, if you want to read content related to the iPhone 14 but want to exclude the Apple website, then you can type-

iPhone 14 -apple.com

exclude operator

There are no links that redirect to apple.com.

#4 Exact Match Search

If you find thin content, you can exclude all the broad and partial match results with the help of this Google search operator.

Simply put your keyword in double-quotes.


exact match search

As you can see, every search result specifically talks about the keyword- “best laptops for Fortnite”

#5 Search Using OR Operator

If you want to search for two different things simultaneously, you can do that using the OR operator.

Messi OR Ronaldo

OR operator

Here, Google shows results about Messi, Ronaldo, or both.

#6 Quickly Find Definitions

This is a very simple search operator. All you need to do is type “define” or “definition” at the start of your keyword.

define yikes

google dictionary search

It will show results from Google’s dictionary.

#7 Find Related Websites

If you want to read articles on other similar sites, you can find the sites using the related search operator.


related operator

As you can see, Google shows similar blogs and websites.

#8 Allintitle Search

Want to read stories that only talk about the topic you want to know about? You can use the allintitle operator.

allintitle:best copywriting books

allintitle operator

All the results that show up in the SERP contain this keyword in the title.

#9 Wild Card Search

When you use this operator, Google automatically suggests what you might be looking for.

For example, if you type

Tesla * Elon

First, type both words, then come back in the middle and type an asterisk.

wild card search

Google will suggest relevant keywords that fit well between these two words.

Final Thoughts

These operators will make it really easy for you to find information on Google. I’ve only included the most popular search moderators; if you want to dive deeper, you can search for other operators.

I hope you find it helpful. You can follow me for more content like this one.



Surendra Bhunwal

Hey, I'm Surendra! Through SEO writing, blogging, and affiliate marketing, I aim to help and inspire others. Connect: linkedin.com/in/surendra-bhunwal/