A lot goes through your head when you’re working out. Getting angry, annoyed, bored, competitive and excited is all part of the process. We guarantee you’re not the only one having these thoughts while working out.

1. I think I’m just going to do the modified version.

2. Yes, I do feel the burn. No, I do not “just love it”.

3. If I do this, I can eat that cake!

4. But you said last time was the last one?

5. WHY did I let myself get in this bad shape?

6. Don’t look at the clock, don’t look at the clock, don’t look at the clock. What? It’s only been 30 seconds?!

7. I need a better sports bra.

8. I can’t wait until my stomach looks like hers while doing this workout.

9. Damn, the people in the video are falling too. Now I don’t feel so bad.

10. I hope the floor doesn’t cave in and I land on the neighbour.

11. I’m going to be so sore tomorrow!!

What other thoughts do you have while working out? Please share!

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