Leaderboard and Hora Token distribution system in Crypto Idle Miner

6 min readMar 8, 2019


As Crypto Idle Miner approaches to the release date at a fast pace, the time has come to reveal some more information about the… wait for it… Hora Token!!!

OK, let us begin from the very start.
The Hora Token is a token that can be earned exclusively by playing Crypto Idle Miner. But that’s not all — upcoming games made by us, Hora Games, (although we are planning some partnerships with other developers, but more about that in the future) will have this option as well. The tokens will be distributed to our players on a monthly basis, with a distribution system based on game progression and Leaderboard status.

Crypto Idle Miner Leagues

The ranking system is setup in leagues and corresponding divisions:

  • Champions League — Best 50 players in the game
  • Diamond League — Next top 10% of the players
  • Platinum League — Next top 20% of the players
  • Gold League — Next top 30% of the players
  • Silver League — Bottom 40% of the players, entry level league

There will be a variable number of divisions in a league, each consisting of 50 players. As players progress through the game, they’ll go up in their corresponding divisions, until they reach first place. It is important to address, there will be a league-based player shuffle. In layman terms, this means that every 10 days aka Season, players will be shuffled between divisions in their corresponding leagues. After some more progress, the player will switch leagues, and he’ll get a better token allocation percentage. So, basically, the more you play, the more tokens you get, fair deal in our opinion. :)

The Leaderboard itself will be unlocked once a player reaches a certain level threshold, and since it’s a dynamic system, playing in continuity is the key for staying on the top of the Leaderboard. If you are wondering if there will be some penalties for inactivity, don’t worry, there will be no such a thing.

Now, let’s move on to the fun part!
Each month, the smart contract is going to deploy tokens in value of a monthly user base number multiplied by 100, and no more than 100 million tokens, and the token cap is 12 billion tokens. The tokens are allocated in a following fashion:

  • 5% goes to the developer team, us — Hora Games
  • 5% for marketing purposes (referral system, influencer rewards, etc.)
  • 90% goes to the players

Leaderboard distribution:

  • A fixed value, but have in mind that average amount which Champions players will receive is 250% higher of average that players from diamond league will receive
  • 40% of the remainder is reserved for the diamond league players (10% of the players)
  • 30% of the remainder is reserved for the platinum league players (20% of the players)
  • 20% of the remainder is reserved for the gold league players (30% of the players)
  • 10% of the remainder is reserved for the silver league players (40% of the players)

This will be the main source of tokens — your time invested in game and your progress, however, we are also planning timed and festive events, with separate Leaderboards for the duration of each event, which will also enable players to earn tokens, and a referral system, which will reward players with additional tokens as well!

Once the game goes live, the Hora Token allocation is starting with it. The tokens will be distributed by the end of every season. The first distribution of tokens is going to happen around 30 days after the official release, with the passing of Season 0. One thing to keep in mind, the first season, or Season 0, will last 30 days, Season 1 will last 15 days, after which we will start with 10-day seasons, to keep things more dynamic and spicy. Also keep in mind, Season 0 will not be split into leagues. During Season 0, everybody will be Silver league, and the tokens will be allocated evenly among all divisions, following the deployment pattern from above (value of a monthly user base number multiplied by 100, and no more than 100 million tokens).

Below is an example with average token count per player in corresponding leagues on a monthly level:

Leaderboard players / tokens split
Tokens split per division / leagues

It is important to notice, the Season 0 distribution will differ from the 10-day season system. Players in Season 0 will receive their monthly tokens all at once, but once the seasons shorten, we will split the monthly pool in 3 parts.

Also worth noting is that we are keeping the rights to change the distribution system, if we see a problem in fairness, or in any other way find a change necessary. Do not worry though, all players will be duly noted of any possible changes.

We haven’t been clear with the referral system — yes, this system will also be available for you, our dear players, as an additional source of Hora Tokens. We will tell you more about our referral system in a dedicated post on Medium in few weeks, when it becomes available.

One thing that we haven’t talked about is — how much will Hora Tokens actually worth?
The answer is simple. We will let the market to define its price. Hopefully, crypto enthusiasts will see the potential that we see in this, and things will start to roll on itself. We will have limited number of coins, which we already explained in the text above, so exclusivity is one side of the brightest medal. What we really believe that gives value to a digital coin, or token, is how much it’s used within its network. There is no other explanation, except speculation and hype. This is a long term plan, and for those who have been following us, you know that we mean business. We already teased you with our future plans. Idea is to create a network of top quality video games that will be loved by crypto enthusiasts and regular gaming aficionados, in which you’ll have one crypto token available for everyone — Hora Token. As the technology advances, we have even bigger plans to experiment with blockchain, our games built on it, collectibles, Hora Token and other stuff.

We hope you liked our content, and that our ideas tickled your imagination. So, don’t hesitate to join us, we promise to you — this is going to be one epic ride!


On what chain will Hora Token be hosted?
We are currently in negotiations with a large network, and as soon the negotiations finish, we will disclose this information.

What wallets will support Hora Token?
Since this is closely tied to the outcome of our negotiations, we will let you know about wallets and tech as soon as we finish the negotiations.

What will be the price of Hora Token?
The price of the Hora Token will be dictated by the market. Initially, it will be worth 0$, but as the interest grows, and Hora Token holders increase, the price will follow. We’re all anxious to see where it can go.

Is there any ICO, pre-sale?
No. We’re not an ICO, we’re fully self funded, and a small team of enthusiasts and developers which sole purpose is to make the best game possible, and to bring the crypto world a bit closer to gamers.

We haven’t, and will not, hold a pre-sale. The only way of earning Hora Tokens will be by playing our games, and buying on exchanges, once it gets listed.

How frequently will players get Hora Tokens?
The tokens will be distributed by the end of every season. Season 0 will last 30 days, Season 1–15 days and all concurrent seasons will last 10 days each.

What will happen with unclaimed tokens?
We’re still deciding on this. However, rest assured, not a single unclaimed token will come into possession by anyone from the Hora Games team, we’re tying ourselves to 5% only. All unclaimed tokens will be spent in the interest of the players.

How many tokens will Hora Games take?
Hora Games will take 5% of a monthly generated pool of Hora Tokens.

What is the cap and when it will be reached?
The Hora Token cap is 12 billion tokens, and the minimum time to hit the cap is 10 years.

Our beta testers have proven really useful, and we’ve decided to reward them! You can read more about it in our previous medium post.

All the best from Hora Games!

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