Week 6

  1. What did you do this past week? What’s in your way? What will you do next week?

I didn’t do much this week except attended all my lectures went over the course notes over const and arrays. I am expecting there to be another project soon so I am also getting prepared for that by studying the notes. There has nothing in my way that is not allowing me to get my work done. I will work on the notes and any further projects I get from the class.

2. What did you think of Paper #7: Liskov Substitution Principle?What was your experience of consts, arrays, and equal? (this question will vary, week to week). What made you happy this week?

I thought the paper 7 was pretty important to the topic of OOP because it involved inheritance. My experience with consts, arrays, and equals is pretty good because we used this in Operating Systems. We used public and private consts many times to use variables for many classes. In addition we used arrays and equals for our cache projects and etc. What made me happy this week was that I watched batman and I really loved it.

3. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip of the week is to study the pointers regarding the arrays because I found that to be the most confusing concept. In addition, it will also be tested most likely in our next project.

