This weekend the #HackTheAlps Team organized a Hackathon for the current corona crisis #WeAgainstVirus. Build a prototype in 24 hours.

We used this time, to bring the Marketplace further. And the progress was immense! Because we didn’t build the Marketplace in these 24 hours of the Hackathon — we appreciate all other projects which reached the Hackathon.

We also got a lot of help and support from the IOTA community.

What did we build?

Our focus was on the delivery process — it should help the people who can't leave their houses to order anything in the local and connect them with helping organizations, friends or neighbors — which delivers the goods and products.

Create a new shopping list

Privacy first

The shopping items and shipping location of the buyer are secret until a delivery gets accepted.

Find and accept a delivery request

The delivery process

  • The buyer creates a shopping list. estimates time and costs for it and publish it to the marketplace.
  • On the marketplace, you see all delivery requests — but just their estimated time and the money, which they need to spend in the shops.
  • If someone accepts a request, he gets the other information — all products and the delivery address.
  • After the shopping, the delivery man has to take a photo of the bill. This photo will be sent to the buyer — so he can prepare the money to ensure a contactless payment.
  • In the end — they will trade the money for the products and the buyer accepts the delivery.
High-Quality Mockups

New Design and Presentations

We got a new logo. colors and fonts — a whole corporate identity.
How do you like it?

We organize our design also in an open-source git repository. Check it out:

Presentation #1: Decentralization

These slides describe, why we need an open marketplace in the future.

Presentation #2: What, How and Why with UseCases

This Presentation shows some possible use cases, how to use the Open Marketplace in different verticals.

The Application

Last but not least — we build a lot of things and extended the Marketplace Application.

  • Implemented the delivery request process
  • Added city news
  • Applied the new corporate Identity
  • And deployed the city instance on a server
  • Improved MarketpalceMap
The Marketplace Map

New intro video

We used the #WirVsVirus Hackathon Video with new audio in English.

Open Marketplace Applications — An Decentralized Marketplace and more

Thanks for all the helpers which were organizing and supporting the #HackTheAlps Hackathon!

Thanks to all the people who helped to bring this project further!

Special thanks to the Hackathon Team

And thanks for the mentoring support from Antonio Nardella from the IOTA Foundation.

Open Marketplace Application
A decentralized, commission-free, local-economy focused online shopping platform.

Want to help? Join the Discord Server.

