Fortama 2024 Inauguration Night, Umsida Gives Appreciation for Student Innovation and Achievements

Umsida Menyapa
4 min read6 days ago


Pic by PR Umsida

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo (Umsida) closed the series of events for the 2024 Student Ta’aruf Forum (Fortama) sweetly. This inauguration night was held in the yard of campus 1 Umsida Saturday (09/21/2024).

There were several series of events today, starting from the appreciation of student innovation and achievements, to the presence of a bazaar and performances from Student Activity Units (UKM) and Student Organizations (Ormawa).

On this occasion, the Chancellor of Umsida, Dr. Hidayatulloh MSi presented several appreciations for the innovations and achievements that had been achieved by Umsida students.

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Submission of 5 units of electric motorbikes, innovations from IMEI Umsida

The first was the submission of five electric motorbikes by the Umsida Alumni Association (IKA). The vehicle will later be operated on the Umsida campus 3 as a supporting facility for security personnel because access to the campus is quite far from the main post.

The Head of IKA Umsida, drg Tontowi Ashari MM explained that the provision of the electric motorbike began with the innovation of the Umsida Indonesian Electrical Students Association (IMEI) Team which made an electric motorbike.

“We got the information from the vice rector 3 of Umsida. And coincidentally my deputy is also someone who works at PT PP BUMN which is engaged in the construction sector. So we ordered five units to help the mobility of the security team on campus 3,” said the lecturer at the Faculty of Dentistry.

That way, added Tontowi, IKA alumni can contribute to Umsida, especially since it can be used for the long term.

“Maybe in the future the IMEI team will develop the motorbike en masse, we will support it,” said Tontowi.

When receiving the electric motorbike, the Umsida rector said, “This is a small part of IKA Umsida’s plan to donate to the needs and development of Umsida. Hopefully IKA Umsida will always be healthy, blessed, smooth, and have more fortune, “.

Appreciation of the achievements of the IMEI Umsida team

Pic by PR Umsida

In addition to the handover of electric motorbikes, at the inauguration of Fortama Umsida 2024 there was also a moment of giving Umsida appreciation to the IMEI team who managed to win 1st place in an international competition some time ago.

“For the umpteenth time, the IMEI team has won an event at the international level. And in 2024, Umsida won 1st place at the Asia Pacific level,” said the Chancellor of Umsida.

As is known, the IMEI Umsida team has just won 1st place in the international competition Shell Eco Marathon (SEMA) Asia Pacific and Middle East 2024 in Mandalika.

Last year, Umsida won second place under UGM. But this year, Umsida managed to win first place, beating UGM.

“On behalf of the Umsida leadership, of course we express our highest appreciation to the younger IMEI team members for their extraordinary achievements that make Umsida, Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah, and Indonesia proud,” said Dr. Hidayatulloh.

For this extraordinary achievement, he said, as per the existing policy at Umsida, students who achieve international achievements can graduate without a thesis.

“I want to emphasize once again, this is proof that there is no difference between state universities and private universities. Umsida has proven itself for the umpteenth time, achieving achievements in various competitions beating state universities,” he added.

He advised the new students that if they want to be successful, then Allah will make it easy. He hopes that Umsida students can continue to achieve various achievements wherever they are.

The head of the IMEI team, Syahrul Romadhoni, said that this car is superior to the previous year. This car is lighter and more energy efficient, which is the criteria for this year’s championship.

“I would like to thank Umsida and the senior IMEI who supported our team until they won 1st place at the international level. We have several long-term plans such as making an urban car that is more than this,” he said.

See also: Umsida Chancellor Warmly Welcomes the Return of the Champion, Here is His Message

In addition, Syahrul added, this team also plans to participate in several national and international events. For example, the Indonesian fast boat event organized by the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas) and the international competition in Qatar.

Writer: Romadhona S.

