Hunny Kaushal
6 min readSep 2, 2019

FunctionX: The World’s Secured Blockchain Technology

Just like when the internet came out, everyone thought that was the end of mankind exploring depths beyond the natural mind. Of course, with the creation of cryptocurrency, it is clear that we have more digital resources to be explored. The revolution behind the blockchain can be tracked into three stages. Stay with me, so you don’t miss out on this;

At first, Bitcoin surfaced, and immediately faced critics from major financial analysts in every continent. Today, the same currency is considered the standard for hundreds of other cryptocurrencies. Secondly, let’s view the case of Etherum; now this is my favorite. Etherum did not only thrive with Bitcoin at the time of release but also created an avenue to build decentralized assets without stress. Lastly, we now have crypto-investors who have over time caused a turnaround in the dealings of the blockchain. There are now super-fast servers to run every blockchain on, making every transaction happen in an instance.

For now, and how we hope for it to be in a few years, the blockchain renowned technology has come to promised and maintained transparency, speed, and effective scalability in all transactions.

What is Function-X?

If I’m to give you a direct or computerized definition of Function-X, I’ll sound like some cracked robotic device. Why not let me explain the concept to you then. At this stage, I want you to erase all you once knew about decentralized internet. Because f(x) is ten times more than just that. It not only connects to a global range of users, but it also goes as far as serving as a universal link between the users.

Every feature associated with f(x), from the transmission protocol, all application source codes, and hardware are decentralized and secure. So be rest assured that every activity and transaction carried out would be out of bounds to a third party reach. Also, maximum security can be guaranteed with f(x), since all bit and byte in on the same blockchain. No one messes with your dealings without granted access by a trusted body.

The Function(x) Structure

The f(x) isn’t just some regular blockchain development found in the crypto-market today. When brainstorming on what the cryptocurrency market stands to benefit from this innovation, our team came with a solution that provides decentralized and secures dealing for every user.

There are five components in total which serve as structural pillars for f(x). All five components drive towards one goal; to secure all websites, applications, telecommunications, and customer data. Let’s take a brief look at each component and how they contribute to the success of f(x).

F(x) Operating System (OS)

We recently took a little survey as a team, and 75% of the staff in the company showed their preference for this component above others. At first, we felt because a lot of work was put into it until we had testimonies from the users.

The f(x) OS is an Andriod-upgraded operating system, that also supports blockchain operations perfectly. The switch-mode programmed with the operating system allows easy transition between the traditional and blockchain mode. When we first launched, we got a series of questions on how secure the operating system was against hackers. Just like we answered in those press conferences, every bit and byte of the OS is fully decentralized; including your messages, calls, browsing the history, and applications. Also, when in the traditional mode, the OS supports all android apps.

F(x) Chain

The f(x) chain is a combination of multiple algorithms, functioning as a distributed ledger for the f(x) ecosystem. What the blockchain does is simply act as an archive, and also verifies transactions including the payment of funds, communication, financials, and services.

The chain is designed based on creating a distribution ledger, that allows all blockchain function processed to the standard of the real-life market demands. The blockchain allows makes it possible to have secured peer-to-peer networking always. Almost anything, that could be transmitted in the network is saved in the block.


The FXTP is a transmission protocol(or call it regular screening) which must be followed by any entity looking to send information via the network. This is not farfetched from what we’ve been used to. The FXTP operates similar to the internet language; HTTP. As we are aware that the HTML oversees how information should be processed and received in websites.

Don’t get it, twisted folks, HTTP is nothing like FXTP, it is only has a similar mode of operation. Unlike the HTTP, FXTP is an end-to-end transmission, whereby your data can be sent, received and displayed based on a consensus mechanism. Let’s break this down; in HTTP, the server decides the “when and how” the data is sent, while in FXTP, the data leaves and heads for its destination based on consensus.


I love to compare the IPFS function to one capacitor is a gigantic electronic setup. The capacitor is not for storing the charges of multiple operations going on at the time. This is exactly how the IPFS operates. It is a protocol and network designed function made for the sole purpose of storing data in a distributed system.

We frequently get questioned on how to retrieve a stored file. It is as easy as calling out the hash (identifier) of the file, and leave the IPFS to work its magic of scanning through every node in the system till it fetches your file. All files are securely kept on the IPFS network, which also aids easy file transfer when needed.

F(x) D-Docker

For our application lovers, we bring you Docker; a computerized program designed to make the creation, deploy and running of applications easy and smooth. Every app developer that has used this function never stops getting amazed as to how an application can be packaged (including the libraries) and all sent out as one piece of information. It also allows a developer to build distributed applications on-site, without being worried about importing from a different program.

Xphone: The First Functioning Blockchain Phone

In the tech world, security has been a major dilemma over the years. This is why most phone users get scared of storing a classified piece of information on their phones. The Xphone isn’t just another mobile phone in the gadget industry, it is a piece of artwork that strikes across various functionalities. The Xphone is the first blockchain phone designed with a technology to carry out explicit blockchain features beyond transfers. Never forget, the Xphone is a licensed product powered by Function X. Therefore, expects that all operations carried out on a decentralized and secure network. Also,

Recently, our innovative team launched a phone prototype termed “BOB” short for “Blok on Blok” The BOB is a blockchain phone prototype with a dual-mode function, that enables you to switch between the blockchain and traditional mode. The traditional mode still allows you to retain all activities of a regular phone and also switch to the blockchain mode when needed without affecting the other. This is one rare functionality no blockchain phone has. Check out other amazing features of BOB Here

Do you also know that with the BOB blockchain mode, you can make, receive a call and carry out other mobile functions on the Function X blockchain. This means that all calls and text messages made through BOB would be transmitted and executed on the blockchain. Another functionality most blockchain phone lacks. With this feature, every user has total control of the operations on the phone, without being exposed to a third party infiltration.

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