105. Life’s Best Things

Bruce Thompson
3 min readJul 10, 2016


Today’s reading: “The Ministry of Healing” pp. 198b-200.

He who owns the world is rich in resources, and will bless everyone who is seeking to bless others.

Key Words

  • Let
  • Will

Every so often, Ellen surprises us. Today’s reading is staggering. Take it seriously.

What is the true object, true aim, of life? This question comes from yesterday’s finale,

Life is too valuable, too full of solemn, sacred responsibilities, to be wasted in pleasing self.

So what are we do with our life?

That is too important a question to just blithely answer… We have to do some digging, but the answer is clearly here today.

Instead of pleasing self, chasing glitter and show, chasing ambition and fame, we are to pursue,

The True Object of Life

(object here means aim, objective, goal, target… even ambition)


Not “pleasing self” but,

  • Cultivating pureness of thought and unselfishness of action
  • Speaking sympathising words and doing kindly deeds.

Thus the best things are,

  • Simplicity
  • Honesty
  • Truthfulness
  • Purity
  • Integrity

In summary: The object of life is the Pleasure of developing a Christlike character.


While helping the poor in temporal things, keep always in view their spiritual needs.

We are aren’t to merely help people meet physical needs but their spiritual needs. So instead of preaching, we let,

Let your own life testify to the Saviour’s keeping power.

Let your character reveal the high standard to which all may attain. Teach the gospel in simple object lessons.

Let everything with which you have to do be a lesson in character building.

Let them work on from day to day, accomplishing faithfully the task that God’s providence assigns…

…with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Let them move forward courageously, trusting in Him to supply their needs according to the riches of His goodness.

He who said to the fishers of Galilee, “Let down your nets for a draft,” and who, as they obeyed, filled their nets till they broke, desires His people to see in this an evidence of what He will do for them today.


So if we let, God will,

…He will care for them.

But they should accept their lot with a cheerful spirit, remembering that for all that the world neglects to bestow, God Himself will make up to them in the best of favors.

He will reveal Himself to you as One who can help in every emergency.

He who created man.., will not withhold that which is necessary to sustain the life He has given.

He who has given us His word… will not withhold from us a knowledge of how to provide food for His needy children.

He who said to the fishers of Galilee, “Let down your nets for a draft,” and who, as they obeyed, filled their nets till they broke, desires His people to see in this an evidence of what He will do for them today.

He will guide His people and give skill and understanding in the work they are called to do.

He will give wisdom to those who strive to do their duty conscientiously and intelligently.

He who owns the world is rich in resources, and will bless everyone who is seeking to bless others.

We need to look heavenward in faith. We are not to be discouraged because of apparent failure, nor should we be disheartened by delay. We should work cheerfully, hopefully, gratefully, believing that the earth holds in her bosom rich treasures for the faithful worker to garner, stores richer than gold or silver.

So “lets” work, cheerfully, hopefully, gratefully, trusting God and God will richly bless. Even as this old world is getting old and threadbare and the blessings will never cease,

The mountains and hills are changing; the earth is waxing old like a garment; but the blessing of God, which spreads for His people a table in the wilderness, will never cease.

The pleasure of working for the unemployed and homeless is that God’s blessings never cease.

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

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