The Index — The Ministry of Healing

Bruce Thompson
7 min readMar 11, 2016


That Thy way may be known upon the earth, Thy saving health among the nations.

While I love this blogging site, Medium makes it difficult to read the blogs in order, so for those who want to follow on in sequence, here is the complete reading guide.

The Ministry of Healing is online.

The reading guide is listed in reverse order. The latest is at the top. To follow the complete reading, start at the bottom.

Christ as High Priest -2

Christ as High Priest -1

228. An Experimental Knowledge, pp. 461, 462.


217. On Holy Ground, pp. 436b-438.

216. Shall not His Excellency Make You Afraid?, pp. 434b–436a.

215. The Greatness of Our God, pp. 432d–434a.

214. Mysteries of Nature, pp. 431b-432c.

213. Searching into Divine Mysteries, pp. 429c-431a.

212. Pantheistic Theories, pp. 428b, 429b.

211. Danger in Speculative Knowledge, pp. 427, 428a.

210. The Knowledge that Transforms, pp. 425d, 426.

209. The Glory of the Cross, pp. 423d-425c.

208. God’s Character Fleshed Out, pp. 422b-423c.

207. Revealed to the Disciples, pp.419d-422a.

206. His Providential Care, pp. 417b, 419c.

205. Laws of Nature, God’s Servants, pp 416, 417a.

204. The Creation of the Earth, pp. 414b, 415.

203. Nature is Not God, pp. 411–414a.

202. A True Knowledge of God, pp. 409, 410.









193. The Child in Sickness and Health, pp. 385b–387.

192. The Child’s Diet, pp. 383b-385a.

191. The Care of Infants, pp. 381b-383a.

190. The Child, pp. 379-381a.

189. The Mother’s Opportunity, pp. 377d-378.

188. Cheerful Parenting, pp. 374b-377c.

187. Temperance & Overwork, pp. 372b-374a.

186. The Mother, pp. 371, 372a.

185. Useful, Beautiful Simplicity, pp. 367b-370.

184. God’s Original Plan, pp. 365–367a.

183. Choice and Preparation of the Home, pp. 363, 364.

182. Forbearing One Another in Love, pp. 361, 362.

181. Marriage: True Friendship, pp. 359, 360.

180. The Builders of the Home, pp. 356–358.

179. Life’s Opportunities, p 355.

178. Ministry Beyond the Home, pp. 353, 354.

177. Right Home Training, pp. 251, 252.

176. Ministry of the Home, pp. 349, 350.

175. Dangers of the Liquor Traffic, pp. 345d, 346.

174. Prohibition, pp 344c-345c.

173. License Laws, pp. 342–344b.

172. The Responsibility of the Church, pp. 340, 341.

171. The Curse, at Home and Abroad, p. 339.

170. The Liquor Seller, pp. 337, 338.

169. Temperance Reformers, pp. 334b, 335.

168. In Light of Scripture, pp. 333b-334a.

167. Wine, Beer and Cider, pp. 330c-333a.

166. Tobacco, pp. 327d–330b.

165. Condiments, Tea and Coffee, pp. 325–327c.

164. Principles of Hygienic Reform, pp. 323b-324.

163. Care for the Body, pp. 321–323a.

162. Extremes in Diet, pp. 318–320.

161. Changing the Diet, pp. 316b, 317.

160. Reasons for Discarding Flesh Foods, pp. 313–316a.

159. Flesh as Food, pp. 311–312.

158. Benefits of Diet Reform, pp. 308–310.

157. Overeating, pp. 305–307.

156. Regularity of Eating, pp. 303b–304.

155. Cooking: No Mean Science, pp. 301d–303a.

154. Relish Your Food, pp. 300b-301c.

153. Variety, pp 299d, 300a.

152. Nature’s Abundant Supply, pp. 297b–299c.

151. Diet and Health, pp. 295–297a.

150. Independent of Fashion, pp. 293, 294.

149. The Rule of Fashion, pp. 290–292.

148. Dress, pp. 287–289.

147. Faithfulness Today, pp. 285–286.

146. Results of Sh’ma, pp. 283b–284.

145. The Key-note of Life, pp. 280b–283a.

144. Hygiene Among the Israelites, pp. 277–280a.

143. Cleanliness, p. 276.

142. Ventilation and Sunlight, pp. 274b, 275.

141. General Hygiene, pp. 271–274a.

140. Into the Way of Life, pp. 266b-268.

139. Exercise — a life-giving Necessity, pp. 264d-266a.

138. Outdoor Life, pp. 263, 264c.

137. In Contact with Nature, pp. 261, 262.

136. Marah and Elim, pp. 258–259.

135. The Channel of His Blessings, pp. 256b, 257.

134. Sing Praises, pp. 254–256a.

133. Gratitude and Praise, pp. 251b-253.

132. Healing Promises, pp. 249–251a

131. Help in Every Trial, pp. 247c–248.

130. Bible Principles of Cure, pp. 246b-247b.

129. Will Power, p. 246a.

128. Sympathy, pp 244b, 245.

127. False Principles vs. True Healing, pp. 242–244a.

126. Mind Cure, p. 241.

125. Well-directed Physical Exercise, pp. 239b-240.

124. Inactivity, pp. 237d, 239a.

123. Water Treatments, p. 237b, 237c.

122. Rest as a Remedy, pp. 236, 237a.

121. Remedial Eating, p. 235b.

120. Rational Remedies, pp. 234, 235a.

119. Prayer and Remedies, pp. 232, 233.

118. Submission to God’s Will, pp. 229c, 231.

117. Confession of Sin, pp. 228, 229b.

116. Conditions of Answered Prayer, p. 227.

115. Prayers for the Sick, pp. 225, 226.

114. Duties of Attendants, pp. 221c–224.

113. In the Sickroom, pp. 219–221b.

112. With True Dignity, pp. 215, 216.

111. Enduring Riches, pp. 213, 214.

110. Hearty Acceptance, pp. 211, 212.

109. Ministry to the Rich, pp. 209, 210.

108. Self-denial, pp. 206b-208.

107. A Test of Character, pp. 204–206a.

106. The Helpless Poor, pp.201–203.

105. Life’s Best Things, pp. 198b-200.

104. Hope and Courage, pp. 196b-198a.

103. Missionary Families, pp. 194b-196a.

102. Training in Self-Support, pp. 192b-194a.

101. The City Slums, pp. 190–192a.

100. The Ministry of Business, pp 187b-189.

99. Industrial Training, pp. 185b-187a.

98. The Unemployed and Homeless, pp. 183–185a.

97. The Nothing Prayer — Invincible! pp. 181, 182.

96. Christ, the Hope of the Tempted, pp. 179, 180.

95. Disappointment; Dangers, pp. 177b, 178.

94. The Power of the Will, pp. 175, 177a.

93. Effort for Themselves, pp. 173, 174.

92. Working for the Intemperate, pp. 171, 172.

91. Not Discouraged, pp. 168, 169.

90. Saved by Hope, pp. 166, 167.

89. A Delicate Matter — Touching Hearts, pp. 164, 165.

88. Helping the Tempted, pp. 161–163.

87. Co-workers with Him, pp. 159, 160

86. The Way we are to Work, pp. 157, 158.

85. Self-supporting Missionaries, pp. 154–156.

84. A Broader Life, pp. 152, 153.

83. Successful Workers, pp. 150, 151.

82. Worker Training School, pp. 148, 149.

81. Teaching Health Principles, pp. 146, 147.

80. High Duty, Precious Privilege, pp. 144, 145.

79. Christ’s Method Alone, pp. 142, 143.

78. Medical Missionaries and Their Work, pp. 139–141.

77. The Only Safeguard, pp. 135, 136.

76. Power of Example, pp. 132, 133.

75. Need of Divine Power, pp. 130b, 131.

74. Basis of Reform, pp. 129b, 130.

73. Training for Life’s Conflict, pp. 128b, 129.

72. Natural Remedies, pp. 127, 128a.

71. The Physician an Educator, pp. 125, 126.

70. Promises for the Sufferer, pp. 123, 124.

69. God’s Promises, pp. 121b, 122.

68. Ministry to the Soul, pp. 119–121a.

67. A Divine Helper, pp. 117, 118.

66. The Gospel of Health, pp. 115, 116.

65. The Source of Healing, pp. 112–114.

64. The Physician — Co-worker with Christ, p. 111.

63. I Am With You Always, pp. 106, 107.

62. How To Be One With Christ, pp.104, 105.

61. Freely Give, pp. 102, 103.

60. My Praise Shall Be Continually of Thee, pp. 100, 101.

59. The Gospel — A Living Force, p. 99.

58. Declaring His Power pp. 97, 98.

57. Saved to Serve pp. 95, 96.

56. Look, I am Giving You Authority pp. 93, 94.

55. Captive Set Free pp 91, 92.

54. He Will Freely Pardon pp. 89,90.

53. Whoever is Without Sin pp. 86–88.

52. Do You Want to get Well? pp. 80–85

51. Healing for Soul and Body pp. 76–79.

50. Healing of the Soul pp. 73–75.

49. You Will Find Rest pp. 71, 72

48. You Can Make Me Clean pp 69, 70.

47. Will Christ Heal Him? pp. 67, 68.

46. I am not Worthy pp. 65, 66.

45. According to His Mercy pp. 63, 64.

44. True Faith pp. 61, 62.

43. The Touch of Faith pp. 59, 60.

42. Singleness of Purpose p. 502

41. The Motive for Service pp. 500b-502a.

40. Force of Character pp. 499, 500.

39. Development and Service pp. 497, 498.

38. Effectual Preparation for God’s Work pp. 57, 58.

37. Hours Alone with God pp. 54–56.

36. With Nature and With God pp. 51–53.

35. A Kind, Considerate Course pp. 495, 496.

34. Patience with the Erring pp. 493, 494

33. Self-Discipline pp. 491, 492

32. Courtesy, the Importance of Little Things pp. 489, 490.

31. Noble Heroism pp. 487, 488.

30. Forbearance Under Wrong pp. 484, 485.

29. In Contact with Others pp. 483, 484.

28. Give What You Have pp. 48–50.

27. A Lesson of Simplicity pp. 45–47.

26. The Same Compassionate Saviour pp. 42–44.

25. He Shall Gather the Lambs, pp. 38–41.

24. The Greatest Manifestation of Power pp. 36,37.

23. Behold My Servant pp. 33–35.

22. Days of Ministry pp. 29–32.

21. God Will Provide pp. 481, 482.

20. Plans for the Future pp. 479, 480.

19. Humble Worker for God pp. 477, 478.

18. A Lesson from the Life of Moses pp. 475, 476.

17. God’s Plans the Best pp. 473, 474.

16. The Discipline of Trial pp. 471, 472

15. The Workers Need — Help in Daily Living pp. 467 to 470

14. Personal Ministry pp. 27, 28

13. Brotherly Love pp. 25, 26

12. You Can! pp. 24, 25

11. With Tender Courteous Grace pp. 22, 23

10. The Gospel of His Grace pp. 20, 21

9. Principals and Porpoises pp. 18, 19

8. Our Example p. 17

7. Meditate Upon His Character p. 514

6. In Christ Jesus pp. 514, 516

5. Power for Success pp. 512, 513

4. The LORD is Always Before Me pp. 510, 511

3. Holy Communings pp. 508, 509

2. Spiritual Thoughts pp. 505, 507

1 A Higher Experience pp. 503, 504

The Ministry of Healing — The Main Point

