114. Duties of Attendants

Bruce Thompson
2 min readAug 15, 2016


Today’s reading: “The Ministry of Healing” pp. 221c–224.

But both lines of ministry are essential. They are to go hand in hand.

The chapter started with an emphasis on “the laws of health” and ends with “the law of God.” Today we learn how to present that “law” to the sick, so that it heals… And it seems that everything depends on the nurse’s acts and attitude.

“Cheerful” gets two mentions. The (home) sickroom attending nurse is to be,

  • Cheerful
  • Calm not hurrying and excited
  • Self-possessed not confused
  • Quiet, and keep the house quiet too.
  • Careful, even at opening and shutting doors

In fevers, take special care,

  • Watch constantly
  • be judicious and thoughtful
  • No ignorance, forgetfulness, or recklessness which have often caused death.

Don’t allow too many visitors, it wearies the patient. Instead encourage messages and little gifts.

In the sanitariums the nurse is to “pleasantly and successfully draw the mind of the patient to Christ” by,

  • making the effort to be pleasant and cheerful
  • always showing thoughtful consideration
  • doing their work wisely and well.

They need ever to remember that in the discharge of their daily duties they are serving the Lord Christ.

That is, act as if Jesus is the patient. So what does that look like?

The nurse “should be ever ready to blend spiritual healing with physical healing” because, “both lines of ministry are essential. They are to go hand in hand.” So notice what is seen,

Physicians and nurses are to cherish the principles of Christ. In their lives His virtues are to be seen. Then, by what they do and say, they will draw the sick to the Saviour.

They can only do this by,

  • Daily Bible study. This is where they find the words
  • Inviting the angels to be co-workers so treatments appear pure and fragrant.
  • Cherishing the principles of Christ i.e. His law of love

It appears there is a division of labour in this blended ministry. The younger nurses actually do the treatments and present little thoughts, wise words, pointing to Christ as healer, all the time surrounded by a “pure and fragrant atmosphere.”

The older nurses also draw attention to Christ by kindly and tenderly,

  • encouraging temperance, obedience to the laws of heaven and giving up bad habits so that full healing can occur
  • pointing to Christ as a friend

In many cases the realization that they have such a friend means more to the suffering ones in their recovery from sickness than the best treatment that can be given.

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

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