127. False Principles vs. True Healing

Bruce Thompson
4 min readOct 30, 2016


Today’s reading: “The Ministry of Healing” pp. 242–244a.

God desires to bring men (and women) into direct relation with Himself.

This is a pivotal reading as we look at the false “mind cure” because sometimes we see the genuine more clearly by comparing it to the counterfeit.

Before we start let’s list the names of present-day false mind cure,

  • Hypnotism
  • Meditation
  • Visualisation
  • Yoga
  • Spirituality
  • Belief in immortal soul or going to heaven when we die
  • Personal growth

In Ellen’s day this was called,

  • Mesmerism
  • New Thought

We also need to look at what was happening in the world when Ellen wrote this chapter. In 1902 William James published a best-selling book, The Variety of Religious Experience, which is so subtle that it still has wide influence in Christian circles and even with present-day skeptics.

If you want a really good summary of that time that brings us up-to-date with the modern outgrowths of this movement, read New Thought (aka Mind Cure or Mind Science) movement.

At the same time, within the church Dr. Kellogg was leading us towards a more spiritualistic form of healing, but we will leave that for now as there is a whole section on that starting on page 409.

Ellen however gives us the correctives in today’s reading, and we need them like never before, because here is the burden of Christ’s soul, the purpose of His work,

Jesus carried the awful weight of responsibility for the salvation of men. He knew that unless there was a decided change in the principles and purposes of the human race, all would be lost. This was the burden of His soul,.. p. 18.

The Saviour made each work of healing an occasion for implanting divine principles in the mind and soul. This was the purpose of His work… p. 20.

Today we read, not about “divine principles” but “false principles”

There is, however, a form of mind cure that is one of the most effective agencies for evil. Through this so-called science, one mind is brought under the control of another so that the individuality of the weaker is merged in that of the stronger mind… But the so-called science is based upon false principles. It is foreign to the nature and spirit of Christ.

So where did these false principles come from? Are they dangerous?

  • The theory of mind controlling mind originated with Satan.
  • The one who attracts minds to himself leads them to separate from the true Source of their strength.
  • When minds are turned away from God, the tempter (Satan) can bring them under his rule. He can control humanity.
  • Of all the errors that are finding acceptance among professedly Christian people, none is a more dangerous deception, none more certain to separate man from God, than is this.
  • Innocent though it may appear, if exercised upon patients it will tend to their destruction, not to their restoration. It opens a door through which Satan will enter to take possession both of the mind that is given up to be controlled by another, and of the mind that controls.
  • What opportunities it affords to those who live by taking advantage of other’s weaknesses or follies! How many, through control of minds feeble or diseased, will find a means of gratifying lustful passion or greed of gain!

So while Christ’s mission is “complete restoration” of body, mind and soul (p. 17), Satan’s is destruction and abuse.

What are the true principles? What is the “true science of healing for body and soul” (health of body and perfection of character)?

God desires to bring men into direct relation with Himself. In all His dealings with human beings He recognizes the principle of personal responsibility. He seeks to encourage a sense of personal dependence and to impress the need of personal guidance. He desires to bring the human into association with the divine, that men may be transformed into the divine likeness.

We can assist in this process of leading people to depend on God by teaching them,

  • to look away from human sources of healing to the divine
  • to value their God-given individuality
  • to depend on God

We must direct people to,

  • the One who can save all who come to Him.
  • God alone,.. the One who can heal
  • Christ the restorer

We are to encourage them to co-operate with Him by,

  • obeying the laws of health
  • striving to perfect holiness in godly fear

He who made man’s mind knows what the mind needs.

He will impart,

  • His life
  • His power
  • His strength

This is the true science of healing for body and soul.

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

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