182. Forbearing One Another in Love

Bruce Thompson
2 min readSep 17, 2017


Today’s reading: “The Ministry of Healing” pp. 361, 362.

Let there be mutual love, mutual forbearance. p.360.

In today’s reading we have:

Be kind, patient, and forbearing, considerate, and courteous.

Forbearance and unselfishness mark the words and acts of all who live the new life in Christ.

Forbearance: noun, patient self-control; restraint and tolerance.

Forbearance isn’t used enough these days. Not in society, politics or sadly in my own case, in my personal life. Advertising encourages immediate indulgence, and we seem to take the advertiser’s cue and act this way in the rest of our lives.

Ellen encourages forbearance first in the marriage then in unselfish service out in the world. In the marriage this is seen as a sacred circle around the family, an intimate confidentiality that no-one else can enter. But it isn’t one that hides abuse or “arbitrary control” instead the circle is filled with,

  • Giving, rather than expecting love
  • Recognising, and expressing appreciation for your partner’s good points.
  • Developing nobility and excellence, and through sympathy and respect, encouraging it in your partner.
  • Encouraging individuality and self-direction in your partner’s life purpose, and relationship with God.
  • Love for your partner. the same love Christ has for His people. That is a high bar.
  • Instead of compulsion and control, forbearance, kindness, patience, consideration and courtesy.

and finally come out of the circle and,

Seize upon every opportunity for contributing to the happiness of those around you.

Share to love and find true joy.

This seems like a pipe-dream. Is this sort of love, this sort of marriage, even possible?

Men and women can reach God’s ideal for them if they will take Christ as their helper. What human wisdom cannot do, His grace will accomplish for those who give themselves to Him in loving trust.

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

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