216. Shall not His Excellency Make You Afraid?

Bruce Thompson
2 min readApr 8, 2017


Today’s reading: “The Ministry of Healing” pp. 434b–436a.

We continue to look at God’s “excellency” today, particularly our response to it.

Job, a God-fearing man (Job 1:1) and twice commended by the LORD for this attribute (Job 1:8, 2:3), here describes his Godly fear as arising from God’s majesty, God’s excellence, God’s splendour. A few of these splendours are spelled out in the quotes that follow. God is,

  • higher than the heavens, more lofty than the most distant star
  • commander of numberless troops, acknowledged by all
  • doing great things, far beyond our comprehension. Things like send snow and rainstorms that all may know Him
  • causing all weather for His purposes, punitive or loving.

Elihu suggests (Job 37:14–23) we stop and consider God’s wonders, and we will be put in our place. We can’t even look at the sun, how can we cope with the awesome majesty of our God,

The Almighty — we cannot reach Him — He is exalted in power! In His justice and righteousness…” Job 13:23 HCSB

Our response, “Therefore, men fear Him,” (Job 37:24) not, in the context of Ellen’s quotes, indulge in speculative theories about His nature.

Who indeed, is like the LORD our God? He reigns on high, yet stoops to our level.

Yahweh is great and deserves our praise for His,

  • mighty acts
  • glorious splendour and greatness
  • wonderful, awe-inspiring works
  • great goodness
  • righteousness
  • the glory, and might, and majesty of His kingdom
  • everlasting kingdom
  • holy name

The fact that few “fear and tremble before Him, shows how presumptuous, how truly ignorant of God most of us are. Irreverent speculation on His nature and attributes, is the equivalent of touching or opening the sacred ark. Acts punishable by death.

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

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