29. In Contact with Others

Bruce Thompson
1 min readMar 27, 2016


Today’s reading: pp. 483, 484.

The trials of one are not the trials of another.

Key Words

  • Sympathy


  • List the 9 ways we differ. What 3 things does this call for?
  • How is human nature described? Does that apply to you? Your acquaintances?
  • Page 40 (top line) says the greatest proof of Christ’s greatness isn't His miracles. What is it? From page 483, 2nd paragraph, why is it so important?
  • Who are some “burden bearers” you know? Who are some leaders you have complained about?
  • Why should we be careful not to judge people with responsibilities?
  • The story in first Samuel 24 is powerful. Have you ever acted like David? Have you ever been treated like Saul?
  • Do you need to be more tender, courteous and forbearing, and less judgemental?

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

