30. Forbearance Under Wrong

Bruce Thompson
1 min readMar 27, 2016


Today’s reading: pp. 485, 486.

No other victory we can gain will be so precious as the victory gained over self.

Key Word

  • Self-control


  • What two things must we remember?
  • Romans 2:1 finishes by saying that when we judge another we “do the same things”. What are some of those things listed in Romans 1:26–2:1? Does judgement really make us just as guilty as doing the same thing?
  • Do the vices you listed for the question above have as big effect on your character development as a lack of the Holy Spirit fruit of self-control (Gal. 5:23)?
  • Why is gaining victory over “self” so precious?
  • What should we not allow?
  • What are we to live for? Do you think this is why Jesus overcame (see page 17, first paragraph)?
  • Under the heading of “Not allowing our feelings to be hurt”, what are the 6 practical steps we can take?
  • The last step mentioned is memorise and repeat, when under pressure, 4 promises. Would that be a good idea? Have you started to memorise these verses?

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

