43. The Touch of Faith

Bruce Thompson
1 min readApr 11, 2016


Today’s reading: “The Ministry of Healing” pp. 59, 60.

Christ… was helping her to exercise faith.

Another back-story today. I love the way Ellen fills in the details.

The woman, poor, incurable but hopeful. Goes to see Jesus, tender-hearted and sympathetic.

Like all good stories, she is thwarted at first, tries again and again, but He comes near and she reaches out….

“Christ knew every thought of her mind,...” How? Can we be that sensitive too? Anyway He was helping her.

She touches just the edge of His garment with faith…

Sozo! Whole! Healed!

She’s thankful but shy. Twelve long years of suffering can’t change so quickly. Or can it?

“Who touched me?… Someone had touched Him with deep purpose and had received an answer.”

Have you touched Him with deep purpose?

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

