54. He Will Freely Pardon

Bruce Thompson
2 min readApr 26, 2016


Today’s reading: “The Ministry of Healing” pp. 89, 90.

He does not desire us to be overcome and perish.

Jesus had no words of condemnation. With obvious sinners, am I more like Him or the Pharisees ?

If we want to effectively “heal the soul” surely it is by realising we are sinners too, not condemning, but pointing them to the restorative love of the Saviour.

Hearts will melt, fall in love with Jesus, confess and begin a pure, peaceful, life.

A Greater Miracle

A new life. When we pray for healing and work for healing, shouldn't we be sensitive the scorned and condemned. Maybe we would see more lives turned around.

She becomes a steadfast, devoted follower of Christ, displaying His self-sacrificing love, the sign of a true disciple.

Let’s show condemned, scorned people the same “helping hand”.

The greater the sinner’s guilt, the more he needs the Saviour.

Jesus loves and sympathises “most of all” with the most entangled sinners. He is still just as willing to assist any sinner to subdue every evil, pardon, forgive and restore.

Notice that Ellen alters Isaiah 27:5 to say that He (God) will make peace with His own strength. No wonder we can take courage and encourage others with the news that:

Christ unites them to His own divine-human nature.

We all can stand beside the great Sin-bearer, in the light from God’s throne and invite other sinners to stand there too, clean, justified and unimpeachable.

Even today we can stand in the light proceeding from the throne God.

Of all people, Adventists should rejoice in this simple truth: we have a powerful Intercessor! Let’s live like its true.

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

