61. Freely Give

Bruce Thompson
2 min readMay 6, 2016


Today’s reading: “The Ministry of Healing” pp. 102, 103.

In working to spread the good news… we are brought near to the Saviour.

Another great reading! Ellen puts the story (of the woman at the well in John 4) in the background and emphasises the principles. Let’s not miss them.

  1. The gospel invitation is to be given to all.
  2. God blesses us that we share the blessings. “The receiver becomes a giver.”
  3. The blessings multiply as they are given away, i.e. we get more blessed than if we kept them to ourselves.
  4. “No sooner”. Pass on the blessing immediately. Now, while it’s warm.
  5. Every true disciple is a missionary

The corollary of these 5 principles are the promises (and these are the kingdom promises):

  1. Give the invitation to all because many are crying out for help.
  2. Showers of blessing, given away become rivers of life.
  3. Spreading the gospel gives the greatest blessing: an intimate relationship with Christ.
  4. Whole cityfuls of people will respond to appropriate reclaimed witness, today! This is not some future work. Focus on one person today.
  5. The practical missionary will gain the kingdom and an immortal crown.

Thinking there is going to be some glorious work to do in the future, I’m guilty of the same impractical faith as the disciples. Jesus reminds me to minister to every person. Anyone may be that worker who will reach thousands.

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

