70. Promises for the Sufferer

Bruce Thompson
2 min readMay 20, 2016


Today’s reading: “The Ministry of Healing” pp. 123, 124.

The chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.

Yesterday two particular verses were suggested for memorisation, Matthew 9:2 and Luke 8:48. Today we have more verses to memorise.

I will let you get on with memorising but need to review this chapter

  • This is to “physicians”, so it doesn't necessarily apply to those of us who are not medically qualified. And it applies to physicians in a hospital or sanitarium setting, with surgery and life-and-death “crises” .
  • In this situation, with so much at stake, the presence and power of “the Chief Physician” is essential.
  • In this situation, the physician’s professional position grants privileges similar to that of a minister, to broach spiritual topics.
  • The physician who combines professional skill with close fellowship with Christ, is an “acceptable co-worker”, able to speak on lifestyle and eternal things with the patient and their visitors. They are able to pray with their patients. This physician will also train others in medical missionary work.
  • Success comes from Christ working with the physician. Simple in principle.

If the physician faithfully and diligently strives to make himself efficient in his profession, if he consecrates himself to the service of Christ, and takes time to search his own heart, he will understand how to grasp the mysteries of his sacred calling. He may so discipline and educate himself that all within the sphere of his influence will see the excellence of the education and wisdom gained by the one who is connected with the God of wisdom and power. p. 117

If you are a physician, I pray that you will have this experience.

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

