83. Successful Workers

Bruce Thompson
1 min readJun 8, 2016


Today’s reading: “The Ministry of Healing” pp. 150–151.

It is heart missionaries that are needed.

Key Words

  • Work

God will use men who are willing to be used.

Today we learn exactly what Jesus means when He asks us to “take My yoke and learn of Me…”

The educated person with self-discipline, and after testing for unselfishness, will be used in various, extensive ways, but they leave gaps.

The less-educated with:

  • a heart filled with great longing for those who don’t know God’s love
  • confidence in God, not in themselves
  • diligence
  • awareness of needs
  • prompt help
  • kind words and deeds

God will,

  • accept their service
  • make them strong
  • do things for them greater than they could do themselves
  • make up for their deficiencies
  • reward their fidelity, industry and their thirst for knowledge
  • give wisdom and knowledge, wise counsel and power.

So they can,

  • Fill the gaps left by the educated
  • become heaven-sent, heaven-inspired co-workers with angels.
  • open doors of usefulness that no-one else can
  • be wonderfully successful in soul winning
  • encourage thousands to do the same work.

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

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