89. A Delicate Matter — Touching Hearts

Bruce Thompson
2 min readJun 14, 2016


Today’s reading: “The Ministry of Healing” pp. 164, 165.

Even those who had fallen the lowest He treated with respect

Yesterday we finished with,

Only He who reads the heart knows how to bring men to repentance. Only His wisdom can give us success in reaching the lost.

So if we want to be successful in ministry, we need to treat people gently and be wise in Christ.

Even feeling “holier than thou” will be obvious.

Arguments and laying down the law won’t work.

The only success is reaching hearts is by,

The Love of Christ

which is manifested by words and acts ie.

  • sympathy (the 2nd step in Christ’s method)
  • being touched with their feelings and weaknesses
  • compel by kindness and long-suffering
  • steady, urgent, untiring work

Then our arguments will have an effect. Then our expectations that they can change to live a Christlike, God-honouring life will be met, like they were with Christ.

Through the kindness and long-suffering of His messengers the invitation becomes a compelling power to uplift those who are sunken in the lowest depths of sin.

The force of our kindness (well… Christ’s kindness manifest through us) is what compels the tempted to change so their lives “give joy to the heart of Christ” because they use “every one of His gifts” to honour His name.

Remember, “Only Christ” “only His love”.

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

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