93. Effort for Themselves

Bruce Thompson
2 min readJun 18, 2016


Today’s reading: “The Ministry of Healing” pp. 173, 174.

Ministering angels unite in service with every true-hearted son and daughter of God.

…there is hope for him in Christ.

What is that hope?

  • Christ will awaken higher impulses and holier desires in the heart
  • the promises of God will heal
  • the freely-given grace of God
  • he can win back his God-given manhood
  • he need not despair

Is it only those rescued from the lowest depths that backslide?

We all fall, we all have our weaknesses but often these men and women have more. They have,

  • weak will power
  • inherited cravings and impulses

The medical missionary must,

  • hold them fast
  • open the Bible to them, especially the promises of God
  • patiently continue
  • lead them to see and feel they need a great moral renovation
  • don’t be discouraged by falls, help them up
  • realise the fierce conflict, the almost overpowering appetite they fight
  • tell him he can and must, resist
  • realise that they work with angels and Christ the restoring physician

The Great Physician Himself stands beside His faithful workers, saying to the repentant soul, “Child, thy sins be forgiven thee.” Mark 2:5, A.R.V. margin.

Notice that Jesus speaks forgiveness. A lot suffer from feelings of guilt. They know they have failed.

The victims of evil habit must be aroused to the necessity of making an effort for themselves... they themselves are (to be ) roused to fight the battle in their own behalf.

This is an important principle:

God can only work successfully if the person makes a decision.

It is a challenge, not a plea,

To every child of humanity, the candidate for an immortal crown, are these words of inspiration spoken, “Be … strong, … and show thyself a man.”

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

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