95. Disappointments; Dangers

Bruce Thompson
1 min readJun 20, 2016


Today’s reading: “The Ministry of Healing” pp. 177b-178.

All who give evidence of true conversion should be encouraged to work for others.

The first disappointment is the impulsive, superficially reformed person, with no change of heart. No character-building. No commitment to principle.

Notice the 3 danger signs,

  • self-love
  • hunger for foolish pleasures
  • self-indulgent

They are dangerous to others so don’t give them influential positions.

The second disappointment comes from reformed folk whose former sinful life has become notorious. They recount their evil past publicly, to the danger of all.

  • Don’t flatter or exalt them
  • Teach distrust of self and dependence on the mercy of God.

Fill their hearts and hands with work for the Master

The cure and preventive for both is to “give them something to do” for the Lord.

An important principle here: the public preaching work is dangerous for all if we in any way exalt the speaker. The only safeguard is humble work uplifting individuals alongside experienced Christians.

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

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