98. The Unemployed and Homeless

Bruce Thompson
2 min readJun 25, 2016


Today’s reading: “The Ministry of Healing” pp. 183 - 185a.

If men would give heed to the teaching of God’s word, they would find a solution of these problems that perplex them.

We are starting a very practical section today, with some surprising twists. Enjoy!

Summary of Chapter 12

…helping the poor to help themselves. p. 201

Well-meaning people, educators, politicians and business people struggle to understand the cause of poverty, crime and poor business conditions.

But the Old Testament has the solution.

God’s plan for Israel

  • Every family has a home on the land with sufficient ground for self-support.
  • This plot remained the possession of the family, returned every 50 years on the Jubilee, if it was sold.

Is most poverty today the result of not having each person on the land?

Is that still the plan today? What is the equivalent of “sufficient ground for tilling” today?

This chapter had been worrying me for a long time.

When I asked, “Is this still the plan today?” I asked because only 3 weeks ago less than a month ago I felt that giving people a small block of land to support themselves and their family, was not a viable option today.

So prayed about it… and as always God comes through.

Friday night 3 weeks ago I started the Kindle book, Hive Life — God’s last work and you (all about business evangelism) I stayed up late reading it. What an amazing concept! Why haven’t I seen this before!

Then Sabbath morning I opened my Review and read “The Wedding of Business and Religion”. Wow, God was trying to tell me something!

If you know nothing about business evangelism watch this video The Ministry of Business.

The rest of this chapter explains how to do this ministry that will finish this work. Yes combine this with the ministry of healing and the ministry of the Word, and the work will go so fast that we will see the world made ready, then Jesus will come.

I pray this chapter will change your life.

Index to “The Ministry of Healing” readings.

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