Our new Community Manager: indieopium!

3 min readSep 10, 2016


Earlier today, Main Menu announced the acquisition of their new Executive Assistant in indieopium — which, coincidentally enough, is the same person that I was recruiting to be our new Community Manager! Funny how things work sometimes… ;)

But please welcome indieopium as the new Community Manager for iKasperr.tv!

Long story short, ever since I got hired by Tiltify in April, I’ve had no time for anything. I’ve made promises that I plan to keep, but have been constantly delayed… and that’s not fair to any of you. There’s some other details that I’d rather not get into (nothing super personal, just tedious details really), but basically — when I say I work 80–100 hour weeks, that is not an exaggeration. Between my channel, Main Menu, and Tiltify, I have no time for anything, which has become apparent with how disconnected our community has felt since April.

I needed help to try and free up some time, even if it was only a couple hours a week, so I could work on putting together things for our community.

And that’s when Indie volunteered to help. Not only is she the new Executive Assistant of Main Menu (which, realistically, frees up a lot of organizational time for me — and will lead to her taking over business-development work come 2017) but she is our new Community Manager, which will help me stay focused on the broadcast and lightening the load on my shoulders behind the scenes.

As our new Community Manager, she will assist me in planning and executing many of the promises I have made, as well as any good ideas the community has for us to do! Tuesday’s will officially be an “optional” stream day for me as I will look to broadcast, but it’ll be my primary day to spend with you all via discord. Movie nights will be a weekly thing starting in October (but will happen leading into TC — I’m just on trips for most of September, so that won’t happen), Anime nights will happen as well whenever we don’t feel like watching a movie, and community nights on Saturday will also be expected, but not entirely enforced (and will include mini-movie/anime nights on occasion!)

BUT. This is also your chance, the community, to help us rebuild. I keep talking about wanting to hit 1000 subscribers and having all these great, non-subathon ideas (because they’re literally killing me… >_>) for us to do, but they require a lot of time, effort, and planning to do well. I cannot handle this planning, but if you give a shit, any shits, about this community, let’s work together to re-build what we had before I joined Tiltify.

Don’t get me wrong, I love them and I love what I do, but I miss my community — and while a lot of community members have gone their separate ways, I realize that the only way we can bring this community back together is if the entire community has a voice and works together to rebuild it — and that all starts with Indie.

If you have any ideas, thoughts, and ways for Indie and all of us to work together to try and rebuild this community to its past glory (and beyond), please use the new discord channel (for subscribers) to suggest them. For everyone else, feel free to contact Indie via twitter, email, carrier pigeon, or in chat whenever you see her!

I want to make this community work. So to start… have some gifs of dick.

Love you all,




@Twitch Partner | @MainMenuLive Director | @WeAreTiltify Community Manager | Contact: iKasperr@gmail.com