
The journey through my practicum at Shaw TV Edmonton

Cory Sellar
4 min readMar 1, 2017


It was Family Day, so long weekend! No, sadly I did not get reading week; however, I made do.


My day off to balance some hours, which gave me an extra long weekend.


It was Pink Shirt Day! I managed to get my pink shirt at work to help show support.

Quick selfie for #PinkShirtDay at Shaw!

Looked over my script with Doug. I was going to be the host for the new episode of Community Producers. We were shooting the host segments Thursday morning. I made further adjustments Wednesday night.

In the afternoon, I was in master control as switcher for a new taping of Edmonton Unplugged. Fingers crossed that I’ll get the chance to direct the next one.

The view from my office! Switching YEG Unplugged!!


Suited up for my host segments! It was tweet worthy of course.

My reaction when it was all over:

I mean, Doug said I did a good job, so I’ll take it! I’m more interested to see it when it’s all done and up on YouTube. From there, I’ll let the viewers decide. I’m hoping my instructors don’t mark me on anything. I’ll only accept funny tweets or words of advice from them.

Sat in with Sheldon to get his help on some editing with my social media story. While I was in his edit suite, my phone started buzzing. I had received a call from someone I was not expecting. Long story short, I had a job interview scheduled for the following Thursday afternoon.

I managed to buy my ticket for the iMEDIA conference which will be held on March 10 & 11. It’s a social media event, so I’m quite stoked.


On the road again and this time, Morinville was the destination! It was for another taping of Where You Live. I have to say, this is one of my favourite projects to be a part of. It’s really fun and hearing the stories from all these surrounding communities have been a real privilege to share.

I sat down again with the sales team — this time with the supervisor — and we discussed a bit more about social media. It looks like I might be able to assist them a couple times throughout the rest of my practicum at Shaw TV.

My schedule is all booked for #iMEDIA17 with the various engaging breakout sessions plus the main keynote. Of course there’s food and drink for consumption during the conference!

The Weekend

On Saturday, Alisha, Matt (her younger brother) and I stopped at the library in Sherwood Park to rent out all the X-Men movies. I should note that I have never seen any of the films. One of the things I agreed to when I first met/started talking t0 Alisha, was that I would watch the X-Men movies with her. Well, better late than never I suppose! I managed to see them all except Apocalypse. I’m nearly there!

Most of your reactions to me seeing the X-Men movies I assume?

We also shared some delicious pepperoni pizza from Costco. It was quite good, including the leftovers I had for breakfast Sunday morning. Cold pizza the next day is superb, am I right?!

And Sunday was simply like:

Wrap Up

That was a quick week I’d say. I’m excited for this upcoming week. My social media story should be fixed up and ready to go. I’ll be working on my Goodwill story. I also need to fine tune my resume a little before I continue to send it off to potential places of employment. It’s getting interesting and I’m confident in the end result.

For Shaw TV Edmonton, I’m Cory Sellar and thanks for reading! Hope it was worth it and keep an eye out for next week’s recap. You can also check out everything that’s happened up to this point:

Oh wait, there’s more! Week three, week two, week one and the first day. We’re about half way through now. Wow. Crazy. These stories from each week is not just for me, but for you and anyone else who wants to take a closer look at the different experiences one can witness during their practicum. Or better still, the emotions that have gone through one’s head during it all.



Cory Sellar

Storyteller in the social impact space in the Edmonton metro region. Podcast producer & host. Rookie record collector.