How to Upload and Preview Multiple Images — JavaScript

A step by step guide on uploading multiple images on the frontend

Miguel Z. Nunez
4 min readApr 20, 2022

How to upload and display multiple images? I’ll break down all the steps needed to do this easily and efficiently with JavaScript. Before we begin, I want to be clear that we’ll only be uploading the images on the frontend and not the backend (also known as the server). If you want to learn the latter, read this guide instead (teaching you how to do it with Node.js).

What’s the difference? Uploading images on the frontend enables you to preview images and sending them to the backend enables you to save them. Both parts of the equation are equally important as you can’t build a fully functioning image uploading system without both. If your a beginner, I highly recommend you learn how to upload them on the frontend first. If you have some experience with a server side technology like Node.js or Spring Tools then by all means skip this story and go straight to the one I linked above.

For those who stay, this is what you’ll build:

How to Upload and Preview Multiple Images with JavaScript

Let’s get started.

