A List of Australian Startups That You Should Know About (Part 6): 126–150

Luke Fitzpatrick
7 min readMay 5, 2016


Fishburners: Hopefully no Fishburners have been harmed by this photo.

This is an on-going list that I’m writing to help promote #startupaus. I hope you have enjoyed list one, two, three, four and five.

It is important to mention that there is no ranking system associated with any of these lists. Sometimes people might email me or I may discover these startups by chance. Whichever way — it is been compiled on the go.

For all of those that are in the Australian startup community, check out Paul Tower’s StartupSoda (Mattermark Daily for Australian tech news). It shows a quick daily snapshot of what’s going on here in Australian tech. Pretty cool!

Lastly, it would mean the world to me if you could sign up to my weekly startup essays on ghacklabs. I am writing about some new theories that I have on startups — no spam, just great content once a week.

Here’s list 6— Introducing …

126. GoReception: Visitor Management System. Replace your paper visitor book with Go Reception’s modern front desk solution. Go Reception manages your visitors from invitation to departure and much more.

Website: https://www.goreception.co/

Cofounders: Steve Barrett & Chhai Thach

Email: hello@goreception.co

127. Avaza: Collaborate on projects with your team and customers, track your time, and bill your customers. Available in the cloud, from any device.

Website: https://www.avaza.com/

Cofounders: Tim Kremer & Behram Khan

Email: support@avaza.com

Additional Remarks: Supporting 5000+ businesses in 150+ countries

128. Housemate Ninja: Find the perfect housemate. Let Housemate Ninja help you find the Perfect Housemate.

Website: http://www.housemateninja.com.au/#ninja

Founder: Kellee Morgan

Email: hello@housemateninja.com

129. Huffle: Creating new loans through innovation. The Australian ten year fixed prepayable home loan.

Website: https://www.huffle.com.au/

Cofounders: Damian Horton, Conor Svensson and Josh Littin

Email: info@huffle.com.au

130. Pennybox: Totally smart pocket money. Incentivise your tech-savvy kids to learn real life lessons about earning and spending their own money.

Website: http://pennybox.com/

Founder: Reji Eapen

Email: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rejieapen

131. DocuStream: Makes it easy for users to generate and download hi-tech legal document templates.

Website: https://www.docustream.com.au/

Founder: Alan Arnott

Email: help@docustream.com.au

132. Advice Market: AdviceMarket finds the right advisors for you in just a few clicks

Website: https://www.advicemarket.com/

Cofounders: Spiros Christoforatos and Jim Vrondas

Email: info@advicemarket.com

133. Investible: Investible is a new-breed business generator bringing together the skills of early stage VC investors with the scalability enabled by our world class experiential business building program. We produce a formidable pipeline of investible businesses and startup ready talent. Now investing into high-growth startups is more accessible, lucrative and hassle-free for investors than ever before. We are global Startup Generator.

Website: http://www.investible.com/

Founder: Trevor Folsom

Email: connect@investible.com

Additional Remarks: Check out Angel Pitch

134. Joust: Don’t just compare, Joust and compete! Watch the lenders bid for your home loan, in real-time. Then you pick the rate and loan that’s in your best interest … now. May the best rate win!

Website: http://www.joustnow.com.au/

Cofounders: Mark Bevan and Damien Mair

Email: info@joustnow.com.au

135. Haylix: Within a changing web technology landscape Haylix delivers engineered hosting, managed services & consulting — engineered to empower your brands’ digital presence.

Website: https://www.haylix.com/

Cofounder: Damien Mair

Email: talk@haylix.com

136. Fusion: At Fusion, we’re passionate about designing digital experiences that grow with our clients. From the back-end developers to the strategic team, we work with you to connect people to your brand.

Website: http://www.fusion.com.au

Cofounder: Damien Mair

Email: damien.mair@fusion.com.au

137. Transit Times: The ultimate public transit companion app. Trip planning, offline timetables, maps, service alerts, real-time & more. Over 70 cities in the United States, Canada, Australia & New Zealand.

Website: http://transittimesapp.com/

Cofounder: Quentin Zervaas

Email: support@transittimesapp.com

138. HexiledGame: A free and addictive word game for iPhone and iPad with three four modes.

Website: http://hexiledgame.com/

Founder: Quentin Zervaas

Email: contact@hexiledgame.com

139. Swift Pitch: Connecting startups and investors around the world.

Website: http://swiftpitch.co/

Founder: Kate

Email: https://swiftpitch.co/contact/

140. HyperSell: An ecommerce platform that networks suppliers and retailers. The mission of HyperSell is to incentivise retailers within an industry to join the platform by collating suppliers and their standardised product data.

Website: http://www.hypersell.com.au/

Cofounders: Matt Marchetta and Jordan Marchetta

Email: matt@spyre.com.au

141. World Tennis Travel: The best tennis vacations and camps. Book your tennis holidays at the best tennis resorts and tennis camps in the world.

Website: https://www.worldtennistravel.com/

Cofounders: Rishad Sukhia and Sacha Vlamynck

Email: team@worldtennistravel.com

142. Clover: Invest the smart, simple way. We do the whole enchilada. We build, manage and advise on your investment portfolio so you can get ahead of the pack and start living the life you want.

Website: https://www.clover.com.au/

Cofounder & CEO: Harry Chemay

Email: hello@clover.com.au

143. Homekoala: Find the right home. One-stop search for all the listings on agency websites, including those not found elsewhere in Australia

Website: https://www.homekoala.com/

Cofounders: Mingwei Leong and Chee-Wee Khoo

Email: social@homekoala.com

144. Polinode:We deliver powerful network analysis in the cloud.

Website: https://www.polinode.com/

Founder: Andrew Pitts

Email: info@polinode.com

145. mPort: The measurement passport. World-first technology transforming the way the world shops and tracks its health and fitness.

Website: https://mport.com/

Founder: Dipra Ray

Email: support@mport.com

146. CapitalU: ​Ever been stressed about money? Stop stressing. Start Solving.

Website: https://www.capitalu.com.au/

Cofounders: Josh Golombick and Greg Einfeld

Email: info@capitalu.com.au

147. Capital Pitch: Raising capital doesn’t have to be so hard. We believe every great startup, no matter their location or circumstances, should be able to fundraise they need to accelerate (and massively scale) the solution to a big problem that could change the world.

Website: https://capitalpitch.com/

Founder: Jeremy Liddle

Email: jeremy@capitalpitch.com

148. Design the eXperience: With over 15 years experience in Technology, founder Janelle brings a unique fusion of design, technology and process to create practical efficient tech edgy designs.

Website: http://www.designthex.com/

Founder: Janelle Pollard

Email: Janelle@skipqs.com

149. Credit and Finance: Home loans made easy. Compare hundreds of home loans from multiple lenders.

Website: http://www.creditandfinance.com.au/

Cofounder: David Hyman

Email: info@creditandfinance.com.au

150. Clickloans: The online home loan. Everyday low rates from 3.98% and 3.99% comparison rate.

Website: http://www.clickloans.com.au

Cofounder: David Hyman

Email: heretohelp@clickloans.com.au

If there are any startups on this list that would like any information changed, please email me via: luke@ghacklabs.com. And, if you are an Australian startup that would like to be featured on the next upcoming list — feel free to email me, and i’ll happily include you.

About me: The $1 Startup Advisor (please test this out), writes sometimes at Startup Daily, Startup Smart, Geektime, Medium , Ghacklabs, Shushnote and has guest lectured at Sydney University on Startup Theory.

P.S. Show me some green-heart love : )

