Bugra Dönmez
2 min readMar 14, 2024


Alright, let’s check it out! Norrew just came here and she was scared. When she found me she relaxed. We talked a lot. And I try to understand how she found me. It is kinda interesting. She just appeared near me. How is that possible?

After a time I am able to see, hear and talk better. Yes, I am able to talk with Frambelik too. Okay, “Frambelik, what happened?”. She told me about this period. In Levanlom, in some parts of the year, life stops. Oh, interesting! All Levanlom is stopped during that time? Everything, every creature too? Frambelik said “yes”. Okay, it is really crazy. And while that time I can not use their skills. Wow.

Norrew just tries to understand what is going on around us and I do not know how I can explain these all. For this case, I asked Frambelik. What can we do for her? Frambelik said, “It is not easy but we can do something!”. I asked what we could do. Frambelik said that it would leave my body and explode from the excess energy. I will stick one of the pieces that separated from it right after the explosion to my own body and the other to my friend. But is it dangerous? I am worried about Frambelik. I can not keep going without her. I asked Frambelik “Is this process dangerous?”. She said we have to be careful. During this process, her pieces are becoming so sensitive. If we do not save her, she will die forever. Oh, it is such a weird and hard decision. But I have to do it! Let’s do this!

And Frambelik ripped from my arm and it is not my body anymore. We were waiting for it to explode. I was nervous and Norrew did not have any idea what we were doing.

While we are waiting I am talking with Norrew. I asked a bunch of questions. And she tried to answer. The most important question is for me. How long have I been here to world time? She said it has been more than 1 year. What, 1 year! I have not eaten anything and I have not slept yet. Wow, what a crazy thing for me. And our conversations keep going with a couple of questions.

Go to the next chapter => 12

