Hindi — Language of more than half a billion people — ICON’s untapped market

Icon Guide Star
4 min readMay 14, 2020


Reaching far and beyond to onboard new ICONists and spread the word

7 reasons WHY

Hola ICONists!

We are a relatively new P-Rep, finding our way into the world of ICON. We have been following ICON’s journey from the very beginning and strongly believe in the founding principles. As a P-Rep, our goal is to break the barrier of language and help ICON reach its peak of success. We have identified the Indian subcontinent as a potential market where ICON could benefit from immensely. Please read our previous article to get further insights into this. In this article, we are going to specifically talk about why we think Hindi is a language which we can use to explore the Indian subcontinent to promote ICON.

Covid-19 has given the world food for thought, a new perspective to living, yet again establishing the fact that the only constant in life is change and that we ought to be able to adapt to survive. Our research team has been on the task of finding the most appropriate statistics for us to set our strategies, BUT keeping in mind the human angle and how that impacts our lives every day.

1. Our research tells us, out of the 615 million total Hindi speakers in the world today, 530 million are based in India with 340 million being native. That is they use the language in their everyday lives and a good chunk of them use Hindi as the ONLY language to communicate.

Total Hindi speakers in the world

2. Multiply the entire population of the United States by 1.8, and that is still less than the number of total Hindi speakers in the world. Perspectives folks!

Hindi Speakers compared to US population

Imagine the impact we can create by spreading the word about ICON using Hindi as one of the languages. A true barrier-breaker in our opinion.

Hindi indeed appears to be the most spoken language in India specifically, and is predominantly used in the northern part of the country.

Second most populous country

3. Legend has it, if all the Hindi speakers in the world started living in Europe, that would make up for 80% of Europe’s population.

Comparison with Europe’s population

4. Whoa! That makes Hindi the 3rd most spoken language in the world, with every 13th human speaking Hindi on average.

Third most spoken language

We could go on and on, but the bottom line is that we can significantly increase ICON’s reach by using a language like Hindi and as a team we are doing just that. Our first comic (in partnership with @ICXComics) is now out, have a look and give us feedback. We are waiting, and very excited!

We will carry on our research in parallel to identify other potential languages (Bengali is on the radar it seems) and we will keep you posted.

If you like what we are doing, please support us by voting. As it stands today, we are at 101 position on the P Rep list and therefore not generating any rewards (P-Rep rewards are only for top 100 P-Reps). Currently we haven’t withdrawn any ICX received as rewards and all our expenses are borne by ourselves at the moment. Feel free to have a read of our Transparency Report.

That’s all folks!

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