MBTI: A guide to the cognitive functions

5 min readJun 6, 2022


In one of my previous articles I described this typology system called MBTI. One may confuse the 16 types as personality types. When you get to learn MBTI more in depth you realize that the types don’t describe your personality, but rather your cognition. They describe the thinking patterns and mental processes of the individual.

To understand the types completely we must study the “cognitive functions”. There are two modes that humans use: Perceiving and Judging. Perceiving refers to how we extract information. It divides into two categories:

  • Intuition — extracting abstract information that cannot be collected and defined through the senses;
  • Sensing — extracting concrete information that can be collected and defined through the senses.

Everyone uses both, but always prefers one of the two. Judging refers to how we make decisions based on the information which we extracted and divides into:

  • Thinking — making decisions based on results;
  • Feeling — making decisions based on values.

Again, we all use both but prefer one of the two.

There are two types of attitudes for each function: Introverted (inward-focused) and Extroverted (outward-focused). Thus, each of these categories is split into two subcategories:

  • Intuition — Extroverted Intuition (Ne) and Introverted Intuition (Ni)
  • Sensing — Extroverted Sensing (Se) and Introverted Sensing (Si)
  • Thinking — Extroverted Thinking (Te) and Introverted Thinking (Ti)
  • Feeling — Extroverted Feeling (Fe) and Introverted Feeling (Fi)

Here is a description of each function:

Ne — Noticing patterns, symbols, and connections in the world that others may not see. Values possibility, ideas, brainstorming. Ne users may talk about many things they want to do, but not ultimately commit to them.

Types that use extroverted intuition: ENTP and INTP; ENFP and INFP.

Ni —Searching for underlying meanings, symbols, and abstract connections. Values wisdom, conviction, planning to work toward a bigger picture and seeking to build and understand complex systems.

Types that use introverted intuition: INTJ and ENTJ; INFJ and ENFJ.

Se — Using the senses to absorb information in the physical world. Values excitement, spontaneity, new experiences, and material goods. Se types are usually described as “living in the moment”.

Types that use extroverted sensing: ESTP and ISTP; ESFP and ISFP.

Si — Understanding the world through past experience and retrospection. Values routine, tradition, organization, rules, responsibility, reliability, and cautiousness. Si users are often detail-oriented and thorough.

Types that use introverted sensing: ISTJ and ESTJ; ISFJ and ESFJ.

Te — Focusing on using logical binary judgments to organize, evaluate, structure the outer world and sort everything into its proper place using logical systems and rules. Te users are decisive and stimulated by task completion.

Types that use extroverted thinking: ENTJ and INTJ; ESTJ and ISTJ.

Ti — Focusing on accuracy, logical analysis and using logical truths to create original systems and frameworks. Ti users care more about meeting their own standards and competing with themselves rather than with other people.

Types that use introverted thinking: INTP and ENTP; ISTP and ESTP.

Fe — Making choices to create harmony in the environment. Fe users take into account cultural values, social standards, and the effects every decision has on other people. They are actively concerned for the welfare of others.

Types that use extroverted feeling: ENFJ and INFJ; ESFJ and ISFJ.

Fi — Focusing on the internal world of values and personal ethics and being authentic. The Fi user is determined not to be influenced by the values or beliefs of the collective or culture.

Types that use introverted feeling: INFP and ENFP; ISFP and ESFP.

So, each of the 16 types has 4 functions that describe them. These 4 functions are called a stack and you could say that they act like puzzle pieces.

Let’s take an example: The ENTJ utilizes Extroverted Thinking (Te), Introverted Intuition (Ni), Extroverted Sensing (Se) and Introverted Feeling (Fi). In the stack, it looks like this:

Te Ni Se Fi

There are 4 positions, and they go from left to right in the hierarchy:

  • Dominant function — the strongest one you use so often, you may not even realize you are doing it.
  • Auxiliary function — assists the dominant function in conveying ideas and is also relatively strong in your personality.
  • Tertiary function — may be slightly under-developed, but does start to manifest in your type more prominently as you age.
  • Inferior function — is challenging to access and often only comes out under stress.

Te is the ENTJ’s dominant function which is balanced by the auxiliary Ni.

Notice a pattern? An extroverted function is never followed by another extroverted one. An extroverted function has to be balanced with an introverted one and vice versa.

Let’s take another example: the INTP with the functions:

Ti Ne Si Fe

We see that we can identify whether someone is an introvert or an extrovert based on what their dominant function is. The INTP has Introverted Thinking as their dominant function thus they will be an introvert.

Polar opposites always pair up in the cognitive stack. The opposite of Si is Ne. The opposite of Se is Ni. The opposite of Ti is Fe. The opposite of Te is Fi.

So where does the “P” in INTP and the “J” in ENTJ come from? You get a “J” whenever you have an introverted Perceiving function (Ni or Si) and an extroverted Judging function (Te or Fe)in the first two positions of the stack. Respectively, if you have Ne or Se and Ti or Fi in the first two positions you will get a Perceiving personality type (xxxP).

The focus of the types:

EXXP (Ne or Se dominant) — chaos → gathering information
IXXJ (Ni or Si dominant) — order → organizing information
IXXP (Ti or Fi dominant) — chaos → self-focused
EXXJ (Te or Fe dominant) — order → tribe-focused

These are the cognitive stacks of each personality type:

The analysts:

ENTP — Ne-Ti-Fe-Si

INTP — Ti-Ne-Si-Fe

ENTJ — Te-Ni-Se-Fi

INTJ — Ni-Te-Fi-Se

The Diplomats:

ENFJ — Fe-Ni-Se-Ti

INFJ — Ni-Fe-Ti-Se

ENFP — Ne-Fi-Te-Si

INFP — Fi-Ne-Si-Te

The Guardians:

ESTJ — Te-Si-Ne-Fi

ISTJ — Si-Te-Fi-Ne

ESFJ — Fe-Si-Ne-Ti

ISFJ — Si-Fe-Ti-Ne

The Explorers:

ESTP — Se-Ti-Fe-Ni

ISTP — Ti-Se-Ni-Fe

ESFP — Se-Fi-Te-Ni

ISFP — Fi-Se-Ni-Te

After reading this article, I hope you find it easier to understand the cognitive function and the stacks. I also believe that now it will be easier for you to accurately find your type.




I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.