Hyperledger Connects Africa

Idowu Akinde
2 min readApr 23, 2020


Hyperledger in Africa

Hello everyone,


It’s finally here! Our first Virtual Hyperledger Meetup!

And it gets even better. In the true spirit of Ubuntu (“I am because we are”), this month’s Meetup will be co-hosted with our friends from all over Africa (South Africa, Kenya, Senegal and beyond) to grow the Hyperledger community and drive adoption of enterprise blockchain solutions across the continent!

Lined-up speakers include David Boswell, Director of Ecosystem at Hyperledger and other blockchain industry leaders from across Africa, and for this event, you will need to install the Zoom (www.zoom.us) application on either your laptop or mobile to be able to participate.

Date: Thursday, April 30, 2020
Time: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Nigeria Time (GMT+1)


  1. Welcome
    -> Hyperledger Community, the Ubuntu Way
    -> David Boswell & Idowu Akinde
  2. Hyperledger Q1 2020 Update
    -> David Boswell
  3. Lightning Talk (a Real-World African Case Study)
    -> Kweli: Pan-African Decentralized Identity (https://kweli.adaf.io/)
    -> Eddie Kago
  4. Let’s get you started with Hyperledger Fabric
    -> Gerhard Dinhof
  5. Q & A

So, there you have it! If you’ve ever been curious as to what blockchain is, when/where/how to use it, as well as how to actually build it, then by all means attend this Virtual Meetup.

Join us by:

  1. RSVP-ing, at https://www.meetup.com/Hyperledger-Nigeria/events/270217254/ (Do this now), and
  2. Clicking this Zoom link 5 minutes before the stipulated time: https://zoom.us/my/hyperledger.community.3 (Do this on the 30th)

See you!

P.S: This will be the first of many such Pan-African collaborations among the local Hyperledger groups across Africa.



Idowu Akinde

Startup Coach / Mentor / Advisor / Builder. CEO @ Boolean Labs. MBCS, FIIM, SASM, CSM, SMC.