i-House.com: IHT Announcement

IHT Coin
1 min readJul 16, 2018


This blog post is to announce/update: The “i-HODL Cloud Lockup Reward Program” has officially ended and i-House.com’s i-HODL Airdrop is coming soon!

1. i-HODL Cloud Lockup Reward Program Ends

i-House.com’s first round of i-HODL Cloud Lockup Reward Program officially ended on July 15, 2018. i-House.com’s contract address will show the individual’s address details. If you have any question regarding i-HODL Cloud Lockup Reward Program, please read the following post “i-HODL Cloud Lockup Reward Program FAQs.

2. i-House.com’s i-HODL Airdrop Rewards

i-House.com is planning an i-HODL Airdrop plan for those who have IHT in their ETH wallet will have a chance to get IHT Airdrop. More information and details about airdrop will be announced in the near future. Please stay tuned!

For more information, please visit i-House.com.



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