How much does Logo design cost in India?
Logo cost in India

Logo design cost in India — Explained (2024 Updated)

Asked by potential clients and beginners “How much does logo design cost?” in India. For the last many years almost every day and I answered them almost every time but never in that much detail. I am including each & every detail inside this article I am gonna explain Logo design costs in India.

Kanhaiya Sharma
9 min readMay 28, 2019


logo design Cost in india
Logo Design Cost in India

Finally, I am answering this.
What, why, how it is done? and what you should avoid while hiring?

If you look on the internet there are a bunch of articles on logo design cost. but I could not find any on logo design cost in India. So being a designer I decided to explain the cost of logo design specially focused on India & how the pricing structure works & why some charge what they charge.

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Not Every business is a multi-national corporate giant. The need for an MNC and startup is different so the solution is different too.
The solution to the problem comes to different prices for Both.

What is a logo?

A logo is a graphic mark, emblem, or symbol used to aid and promote public identification and recognition. It may be of an abstract or figurative design or include the text of the name it represents as in a wordmark. — Wikipedia

Maybe you already know the importance of the logo.

The journey of business starts with a logo that should be timeless & relevant to the business. A logo design that fits according to brand needs.

How much does it cost to design a logo in India?

Finally, We are here.

Price chart for logo design cost in india
Logo Design Cost in India

Huge price differences right?
In the end, the cost of a logo design depends on which solution you choose to work.

If you ask.
Kanhaiya I got my logo designed in less than that!!

If you got your logo designed in less then that prices then probably you didn’t get any project Creative process behind that mark. eg: Moodboard, Research, Mockup presentation, how they achieved that result or any authentication word from the designer that his work is original.

The thing you did not get is called PRESENTATION or CASE STUDY.

It’s easy for anyone to combine 2 Objects but hard to make it tell a story or make it stand out. everyone is creative enough to do that.

if you got a designer like this something.

Video by Yo man

Then You know it “You got what you paid for”.
That logo is not designed to solve your problem actually.

More Detail Price List in more.

Budget Logo Design Pricing:

  • Online Logo makers and Beginner designers: ₹0 — ₹1000
  • Logo Template: ₹500 — ₹6000
  • Online Logo design Contests: ₹2000 — ₹10000

Freelance Mid-Level Logo Design Price:

  • Beginner Freelancer Designer: ₹500 — ₹2000 (4–6 logo concepts or more)
  • Junior Freelancer Designer: ₹1000 — ₹10,000 (included business card and 4–6 logo concepts)
  • Mid-Level Freelancer Designer: ₹10000 — ₹50,000 (included business card and 2 logo concepts)
  • Expert Freelancer Designer: ₹50000 — ₹100,000+ (1 logo concept only)

Agencies Logo Design Cost:

  • Small Branding Agency: ₹80,000 — ₹200,000 ( included a business card, 4–6 logo concepts and Brand Guidelines)
  • Mid-Level Branding Agency: ₹100,000 — ₹400,000 ( includes Brand strategy & Brand Guidelines)
  • High-level Design Agencies: ₹500,000 — ₹1,000,000+ (Mostly includes Brand strategy & Brand Guidelines)

Well, now we have an answer for this.

How much do graphic designers charge in India?

Logo design cost totally depends on the type of design you hire. it may cost around ₹10,000 to ₹100,000+ if you hire a graphic designer. Note that I am talking about designers, not agencies or studios. And it can be the cost of logo design only no Business card or any other brand identity or Branding material is included in this.

Now you will ask why this difference Kanhaiya?

  • Why some logo designers and agencies charge more than others?
  • What is the difference between them?
  • Which one you should choose for logo design?

Let’s discuss them one by one.

Why does logo design cost so much?

The Simple answer is THE LOGO DESIGN PROCESS. the process agency, design studio or designer use to reach the end product (that timeless unique mark).


The cost of a logo design depends on many factors.

  • Your business requirements, size of your business, and business type.
  • Whom you are hiring?
  • The Logo Process they provided to achieve the mark of perfection.
  • Other factors are :
    The time the designer or agency put in the research
    - The software used by them
    - The font used
    - The professionalism, experience, Expertise, Expandability, Assurance of originality and Sucess ration of that work provided.
  • Trust!!

Redesigning and Rebranding costs are Much more than that because the business who want rebrand have a good budget for that and designers understand that.

In the end, you will find an example of my process.

Which one you should choose for logo design and What is the difference between them?

Logo Maker (Avoid!)

Logo makers are everywhere on the web just type logo design or free logo design you can find them on the first page of any search engine. logo makers are a good but Not good solution because they generate random logos that are already used by 1000+ times before.
And I don’t think a logo is a logo if its already used by 10000+ times.
Mostly take 5 minutes to make a logo

The logo should be Unique.
So you should Avoid Using logo makers. if you actually care about your business.

Beginners or junior Designer (Avoid!)

Anyone who is starting or have less than 1-year Experience should be considered as a beginner.
Beginners are still learning and they want some project to practice and experiment on.
It mostly takes 2–3 hours to make the logo.

  • If you think your idea of business is not that important for you and you can take a risk to hire a beginner that does it.
  • Never worked for a real client
  • Mostly they don’t have original work.
  • You can find most of there work on the first page of google search.
  • They don’t work on contracts

Other than that you should Avoid Hiring a beginner logo designer.

Mid-Level Designer

A designer who learned his tools and now struggling to learn and make logo design. But Not yet understands In and outs of logo and brand but eagerly looking for work. A bit better than the beginner. Mostly they don’t work on contracts.
Time Duration: Mostly take 1–2 days to make the logos.
If you don’t have a good budget then I suggest you Hire this guy.

Expert Designer

The guy with one shot who knows how to use his tools and how to showcase his work.

  • Stablished him as an Expert.
  • With Good client review.
  • Find anything about him by just typing his name.
  • A super portfolio that you can’t ignore.
  • Have a Self-developed Logo Design Process.
  • Starts with Contract and 50% initial payment mostly

Time Duration: Mostly take 1 week to months to make the logos.

Hire this guy ASAP. he will understand and solve your business problem like a pro.

Small Agencies

A gathering of Mid-Level and Exert designers. Decided to start there own work as an agency.
Want to establish themself and want a good client base.
Stablished him as an Expert.

  • Looking for clients continuously but do a great job.
  • Have a good portfolio.
  • Have a Self-developed Logo Design Process.
  • Starts with Contract and 50% initial payment mostly.

Time Duration: Mostly take 2 weeks to months to make the logos.

Hire this agency. they will give 100% of themself in the project to achieve to show their perfection to make their portfolio look according to the big agencies.

Big Agency

The Agency worked with Big corporate giants.

  • Have a bunch of successful projects.
  • The portfolio that defines perfection.
  • Have an accurate Logo Design Process.
  • Starts with Contract and 50% initial payment mostly

Time Duration: Mostly take 5 weeks to months to make the logos.

Hire this agency. they will give 100% of themself in the project to achieve to show their perfection to make their portfolio look according to the big agencies.

Did you noticed??? something common???

Expert designers, Small Agencies, Big Agencies all have a thing common called Logo Design Process.

What is the Logo process?

A step by step series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end result.
Let look at my logo design process to understand it better.

Logo Design Process I use to achieve the unique logo by ME

First Interaction: Starting with a deep discussion of Business type and asking questions like:

  • what do you want to achieve?
  • where do you see your self in the next 10 years?

Or other questions. discussion on pricing. it can be through email, call or chat.

Contract: Making of a contract based on the discussion. After signing a contract & receiving advance payment as mentioned in the contract moving towards the research phase.

Research: Understanding the business, Analyzing competitors in the business, researching what makes the business stand out from them.

Research for Dossier decentralized eportfolio app icon Logo Design
Mood Board of BayLeaf Catering Service Logo Design

Exploring concepts: After the Research Exploration part starts. exploring every possible aspect of designing the relevant logo according to business type. selecting the current typeface and customizing it.

Logo design Sketch
Dossier decentralized eportfolio app icon Logo Design
Logo design using grid system
Unbox Innovations Logo design and Branding
animted logo gif
Dossier decentralized eportfolio app icon Logo Design

Concept Presentation: Once done with the concept exploration. The concepts presented to the client for feedback & suggestion.

app icon design grid for ios and android
Dossier decentralized eportfolio app icon Logo Design

Revisions: Making the final change to the finalized design based on the client for feedback & suggestion.

Final Delivery: Last step in the logo design process. after receiving the final payment. I hand over the final files to the client for use or any special format they request for in zip formate.

Logo animation gif
Ztips Logo design and Presentation
Unbox logo design
Unbox Innovations Logo design and Branding

Check out full process at:

There are things you should consider while hiring designers or agencies.

  • Check Social proof: always make sure to search them on social media platforms and on the professional network.
  • Reverse search: Make a reverse search on google images and other search engines to check the originality of the work.
  • Clients Feedback: if possible cross-checks the past client's feedback.
  • Contract: Always work on the contract-based project. it sounds intimidating but it is the right way to work.
  • Never pay advance: Note it down never pay advance before signing the contract. I see so many cases when this type of fraud happened ether client did not pay in full or fraud designers ran away with the money.
    In both cases, they did not sign any contract for work.
    If you are doing legal stuff then sign the contract just after the first call.

This is it.
I tried to cover every aspect of logo design pricing or cost in India.

If there is any other suggestion that I can add in the article get in touch with me.

Feel free to get in touch with me for Design consultation or project quotation at:

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Kanhaiya Sharma


